File request

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A "file request" is a call to some remote client to ask for a file.


If you are not on that client's upload queue, you will be added for that file (have in mind that any client can only request for one to any remote client) if possible and then you will recieve one of the answers in the next section to describe whether your request was accepted or not.

If you were already in that client's upload queue then the remote client will answer with one of the answers described in the following section, describing your client's status in it's upload queue.

Possible request status

Possible answers for the remote client are:

  • #Queue_position (QR): Not all clients support it. If they do, when a request has been successfully added to the upload queue, they will tell the requesting client the position their request has in the upload queue.
  • On Queue (OQ): Older clients not supporting the QR (see above) answer, will just report "On Queue" when the file request is on queue.
  • Queue Full (QF): If the remote client's queue is already full, it will tell your client "Queue full".
  • Too Many Connections (TMC): When the client's maximum connections hard limit has been reached, it will not attend to any file request. Instead, it will answer "Too Many Connections".
  • No Needed Parts (NNP): The remote client will answer this when it has none of the parts your client lacks of the requested file.
  • Asked For Another File (A4AF): The remote client will answer this when another file has already been requested. Read the A4AF documentation for more information on this.