Getting Started-ru
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Что такое aMule
aMule -- это p2p, то есть peer-to-peer клиент сети eD2k, часто называемой также сетью eDonkey или сетью eD2k (eDonkey2000). Данное руководство не требует от вас знания этих сетей (хотя это не помешает), однако требуется, чтобы aMule был установлен на вашем компьютере. Если у вас еще нет aMule, то обратитесь к руководству по установке для вашей системы. Ссылки на них есть на главной странице.
--Xaignar 01:12, 10 Jul 2004 (CEST)
Первый запуск aMule
Запустить aMule можно командой amule в окне терминала или любым другим способом, предоставляемым вашим дистрибутивом и/или оконным менеджером, то есть при помощи иконок, меню и т.д.
При этом, если вы используете сборку из CVS, то aMule сообщит, что вы запустили его в первый раз. Прочитайте это сообщение внимательно, чтобы понять, что к чему ;)
Настройка aMule
Чтобы начать меняться файлами, сначала нужно настроить aMule. В том числе указать скорость соединения и лимиты, рабочие каталоги, прокси, порты и прочее. Нажмите на кнопку Настройки вверху окна aMule.
Скорость соединения
Имейте в виду, что клиенты сети eDonkey enforce upload. This means that in order to download, you'll have to share files yourself (don't worry if you don't have anything to share). This is enforced in two ways:
- Your download speed depends on how fast you upload. If your upload speed is set to anything below 10kb/s then your maximum download speed will be 3 or 4 times your uploadspeed (read this to know more about it), so if you limit your upload speed to 5kb/s, you'll only be able to download with 20kb/s.
- Partially downloaded files are shared as well. You automatically start sharing a file after you've received at least one chunk (a chunk is a 9.28Mb piece of a file).
Note: If you ever enter the aMule forum or IRC channel to complain about this or demand that we change the ratio, I will hunt you down and eat your spleen. -- Xaignar
When you first open the Preferences dialog, the page shown will be "General", which contains some general settings, like the nickname other people will see when they download from or upload to you. To proceed, click on the tab named "Connection":
The only settings relevant to this guide are the settings under "Bandwidth Limits" marked "Upload" and "Download". You don't need to enter a max download speed, but it is recommended that you set the upload speed to around 80% of your actual speed, since it can cause slower downloads otherwise.
Once you have entered the proper values, you can explore the rest of the settings. To save the changes, simply click the "OK" button.
Соединение с сервером
You should now be looking at the servers dialog:
The empty list normally contains the servers you know about, but since this is the first time you're running aMule, you don't have any. To remedy this situation, simply click in the text-field containing the text and press enter. A dialog will pop up and close again once the download has completed.
You should now have a full list of servers, if not search google for server.met and place the file in the folder .aMule on your home dir. The list should look like this:
Next you need to connect to a server. Normally it's a good idea to select one with as many users as possible, but for now, lets just click the large "Connect" button near the top-left of the window. This will connect you to a random server. Please wait while aMule contacts servers and tries to establish an connection. Once this happens, proceed on to the next section.
High и Low ID
Because p2p networks work by clients directly connecting to each other, being behind a firewalls, or routers that do not/cannot pass traffic on specific ports, can really cause problems. If you don't know whenever or not you are behind a firewall, simply look at the globe icon in the bottom-right of the window. If its arrows are green, then you have High ID and can proceed, but if they are yellow, then you need to take a look at the page on Firewalls and/or common problems, since having a Low ID greatly reduces p2p experiences.
Basic Usage
This will cover some basic usage of aMule.
Searching and Downloading
OK, this is what p2p'ing is about: Downloading files. For the sake of this guide, I'll presume that you are really keen on downloading the latest Knoppix CD (who isn't?). To download this, first ensure that you are connected to a server and then click on the "Searches" button.
This will bring up the search dialog:
Since we only care about CD images, we click on "Extended Options" and select the option "CD-Images" from the "Type" dropdown menu. Also select the "Local Search" setting, since we don't really need to search anything other than the currently connected server. Then we enter Knoppix in the top "Name" field and hit enter or the "Search" button. You should now have a listful of results:
Lets sort the list by sources, by clicking twice on the field marked "Sources", this makes it easier to find popular files. The second one looks interesting, so we double-click on it (or click on it and then on the "Download" button). This will queue the file for download.
Results can be displayed in a number of colors, which signify the following:
- Blue represents the number of sources, the more sources the darker the blue.
- Red represents files that you are currently downloading.
- Green is for files you have downloaded or shared before, in other words files you already have.
The Download Queue
Click on the "Transfers" button to bring forth a list of files you have queued for download:
If you're lucky, the progress bar will turn a nice dark shade of blue, which means that a lot of people have that file (read this to know more about it). Beware of files that have parts marked in red, since it means that no-one has that part of the file and you most likely wont be able to complete the download.
If you double-click on any of the files, you can see the sources you have found for that file.
Of Rows and Columns
These are the columns of the Download Queue:
- Filename
- The name of the file.
- Size
- The size of the file. The eDonkey2000 network supports files up to 4GB in size (read more about this).
- Transferred
- Shows the amount downloaded.
- Completed
- This column displays how much of the file you have actually completed. Please note that this can differ from the Transferred column because of corruptions or gains made by the compression *Mule clients use (read more about this difference).
- Progress
- This bar displays the current progress of the file, the colours signifying the following (alternative resource):
- Blue: How many sources provide this part, the darker the colour, the more sources provide it.
- Red: There are no known sources that provide this part.
- Black: You have already downloaded this part.
- Yellow: You are currently downloading this part.
- The green bar on top of the larger bar gives an indication of the actual progress.
- Sources
- There are 3 fields in this column, though mostly only 2 are shown (alternative resource):
- <Asked Sources>[/<All Sources>] [+ <A4AF Sources> ] [(<Transferring sources>)]
- 'Asked Sources' are those that have been asked for the file.
- 'All Sources' are all sources of that file, asked and unasked.
- 'A4AF (Asked For Another File) Sources' are sources that provide that file, but have been asked for anther one.
- 'Transferring sources' are sources which are uploading that file to you at this very moment.
- Priority
- The priority of the file. Files are set to auto-priority by default, which means that aMule will manage it by itself. Priorities affect how aMule allocates sources that are known to provide multiple files and thus means that high-priority files get more sources. Read more about this.
- Status
- The current status of the file. Waiting means that you are waiting for sources to start uploading to you.
- Time Remaining
- An guess at how fast the file will be completed. Only shows something when you are currently receiving the file.
- Last Seen Complete
- This shows the last time you've seen the entire file provided by the sources you've asked.
- Last Reception
- This shows the last time you were downloading parts of this file.
The Upload Queue
The upload queue can be found just beneath the download queue, and shows who are downloading files from you (you might want to read this). In case you are wondering, no, you cannot stop uploads. If you click on the blue icon next to the "Uploads" label, you can see who are queued for downloading from you, rather than the people who are actually downloading from you right now.
Значки и что они означают
Такие значки могут встречаться в окне "Передачи".
- Статус источника
- - Клиент передает вам файл или hashset.
- - You are either on this clients queue or currently asking it for a file.
- - Идет соединение с этим клиентом.
- - У клиента запрошен другой файл или у него нет нужных частей или с ним невозможно соединиться из-за Low ID.
- - Статус неизвестен.
- Клиенты сети eDonkey
- - aMule
- - eDonkey2000
- - eMule
- - Клиент является другом
- - lphant
- - mlDonkey
- - Shareaza
- - Неизвестный клиент
- - xMule
- Модификаторы
- - Client supports the extended eMule protocols. Source-sharing and such.
- - Client has a good credit-rating.
- - Client has a normal credit-rating.
- - Client has been securely identified.
- - Client has been identified for some reason as a bad guy.
- File comments icons are explained in the comment icons article.
Где же файлы?
Когда aMule начинает загрузку, создаются несколько файлов для управления этой загрузкой. Эти файлы можно найти в подкаталоге .aMule/Temp, который создается в вашем домашнем каталоге (~/.aMule/Temp). Обычно эти файлы трогать не надо.
Если у вас есть незавершенные загрузки в eMule, то можно просто поместить временные файлы в каталог ~/.aMule/Temp и aMule продолжит загрузку.
Однако, как только файл будет получен полностью, он будет перемещен из ~/.aMule/Temp в ~/.aMule/Incoming, где по умолчанию хранятся все полностью загруженные файлы. При желании в настройках можно указать другие каталоги по умолчанию.
Учтите, что каталог .aMule это скрытый каталог, и возможно придется включить режим показа скрытых файлов в файловом менеджере, который вы используете.
Публикация файлов
Прежде всего учтите, что сеть eDonkey2000 не очень подходит для публикации маленьких файлов, таких как аудио клипы, и наоборот оптимизирована для распространения больших файлов. Also note that its your own responsibility to ensure that you do not violate any local laws regarding material shared.
В aMule можно публиковать файлы двумя способами:
Первый способ -- поместить файлы в каталог "Incoming" (~/.aMule/Incoming on Unix like systems). После этого надо перезапустить aMule или нажать кнопку "Обновить" в окне "Общие файлы".
Второй способ -- добавитьявно указатьThe second method is to explicitly add shared directories in which aMule will look for files to share. Это можно сделать, нажав на кнопку "Настройки" и выбрав раздел "Папки".
From there, you can browse to the directory you wish to share via the directory-tree. Double-clicking on the folder icon will опубликует указанный каталог а нажатие правой кнопкой мыши на значке какого-то каталога опубликует этот каталог рекурсивно.
Надеемся, что из этого краткого руководства вы примерно поняли, как работает aMule. Если вам кажется, что здесь чего-то не хватает, то сообщите нам или добавьте сами.