Usage Statistics
This window displays statistics about aMule.
It looks like this:
You will easily notice this window is devided into two main parts:
- Graphs
- Statistics tree
Graphs give a quick idea of how the connections have been doing for the last minutes. There are three graphs available.
Please make sure you have read and understood how graphs should be read.
Download speed
This is the top left graph.
This graph shows how the download has been doing for the last minutes.
- The lighter green line represents current download speed.
- The darker green represents the average download speed for the last X minutes, being X the amount of minutes set in Preferences (Preferences -> Statistics -> "Time for average graph")
- The darkest green represents the average download speed for the last X minutes, being X the amount of minutes that fit in the graph
Upload speed
This is the top right graphic.
This graph shows how the download has been doing for the last minutes.
- The lighter red line represents current upload speed.
- The darker green represents the average upload speed for the last X minutes, being X the amount of minutes set in Preferences (Preferences -> Statistics -> "Time for average graph")
- The darkest green represents the average upload speed for the last X minutes, being X the amount of minutes that fit in the graph
This is the bottom left graphic.
This graph shows the amount of active connections.
- The pink line represents the actively downloading connections
- The yellow line represents the actively uploading connections
- The blue line represents all active connections
Notice that by the Active connections text you can see a numbers combination. This numbers shows how much of the connections allowed is being used. For example, a 1:3 value means that only one third of the allowed connections are being used (the number of connections allowed is set in Preferences -> Connection -> "Max Connections".
Statistics tree
This is the box at the bottom right of the window.
Each item's meaning will now be explained:
- Statistics
- Uptime: How long has aMule been running
- Transfer
- Session UL:DL Ratio (Total): How many bytes you've uploaded (first number) for very byte you've downloaded (second number). It will show Not available when you have not uploaded or downloaded an byte
- Uploads
- Uploaded Data (Session (Total)): Amount of data uploaded in curent session. In brackets, amount of data uploaded ever
- List of software clients and the amount of data you've uploaded to each of them
- Total Overhead (Packets): Amount of data sent because of uploading control packages
- File Request Overhead (Packets): Amount of data sent because of uploading file request control packages related to uploading file requests
- Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): Amount of data sent because of uploading source exchange control packages related to uploading source exchanging
- Server Overhead (Packets): Amount of data sent because of uploading server control packages related to uploading communication with the server
- Kad Overhead (Packets): Amount of data sent because of uploading Kademlia control packages related to downloading communication with other Kademlia nodes
- Active Uploads: Currently active uploads
- Waiting Uploads: Number of clients in you upload queue currently
- Total successful upload sessions: Times in current session you've been able to upload a whole chunk to a client
- Total failed upload sessions: Times in current session you haven't been able to upload a whole chunk to a client
- Average upload time: Average time an upload needs to be successfully completed
- Uploaded Data (Session (Total)): Amount of data uploaded in curent session. In brackets, amount of data uploaded ever
- Downloads
- Downloaded Data (Session (Total)): Amount of data downloaded in cutrent session. In brackets, amount of data downloaded ever
- List of software clients and the amount of data you've uploaded to each of them
- Total Overhead (Packets): Amount of data sent because of downloading control packages
- File Request Overhead (Packets): Amount of data sent because of downloading file request control packages related to downloading file requests
- Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): Amount of data sent because of downloading source exchange control packages related to downloading source exchanging
- Server Overhead (Packets): Amount of data sent because of downloading server control packages related to downloading communication with the server
- Kad Overhead (Packets): Amount of data sent because of downloading control packages related to downloading communication with other Kademlia nodes
- Found Sources: Amount of sources found
- Source Exchange: Amount of sources found through source echange
- Kad: Amount of source found through the Kademlia network
- Passive: Amount of source found passively
- Remote Server: Amount of source found through some server other the the one you are connected to
- Local Server: Amount of source found through the server you are connected to
- Unknown: Amount of source found thrugh a method not listed above
- Active Downloads (chunks): Currently active downloads. In other words, amount of clients actively uploading files to us
- Downloaded Data (Session (Total)): Amount of data downloaded in cutrent session. In brackets, amount of data downloaded ever
- Connection
- Average Downloadrate (Session): Average download speed in current session
- Average Uploadrate (Session): Average upload speed in current session
- Max Downloadrate (Session): Maximum download speed in current session
- Max Uploadrate (Session): Maximum upload speed in current session
- Reconnects: Amount of times you have reconneced to servers. In other words, number of times you have successfully connected to a server, minus one
- Time Since First Transfer: Elapsed time since the first transfer (upload or download) began in the current session
- Connected To Server Since: Time elapsed since last connection the the currently connected server (0 if disconnected)
- Active Connections (estimate): Estimated currently active connections
- Max Connection Limit Reached: Amount of times the connections limit (set in Preferences) has been reached and date and time when this last happened
- Average Connections (estimate): Estimation of the amount of simoultaneous active connections in current session
- Peak Connections (estimate): Estimation of the maximum amount of simoultaneous connections in the current session
- Clients
- Total: Amount of clients known
- List of known application clients and how much clients are known for each of them, sorted by popularity (descending sort). A percentage between the application client and the total amount of available clients is provided in brackets
- List of known versions for each application client and the amount of clients known to use each version (sorted by most popular, descending). Note that aMule and Hydranode have two sub trees instead of going directly into the versions list: Version, chich is equivalent to what appears in all other application clients trees, and Operating System, which lists the knwon operating systems and the amount of clients known to use each (sorted by most popular, descending). A percentage between the application/version/OS and the total amount available is provided in brackets.
- Unknown: Amount of clinet's who's application is unknown
- Low ID: This item does not exist in aMule any more
- SecIdent On/Off: This item does not exist in aMule any more
- HasSocket: This item does not exist in aMule any more. Would be (almost) equivalent to the Active connections item. It is displayed only in debug builds
- Filtered: Amount of clients which have been filtered (through IPFilter)
- Banned: Amount of banned clients
- Servers
- Working Servers: Amount of servers known to be online
- Failed Servers: Amount of servers which were impossible to reach
- Total: Total amoutn of known servers
- Deleted Servers: Amount of deleted servers in current session
- Filtered Servers: Amount of servers filtered through IPFilter
- Users on Working Servers: Sum of all users connected to known working servers
- Files on Working Servers: Sum of all files available through known working servers
- Total Users: Sum of all users connected to servers
- Total Files: Sum of all files available through known working servers (even to those servers known to not be working currently)
- Server Occupation: Percentage between all clients connected to known servers and the total sum of maximum users allowed by all known servers
- Shared Files
- Number of Shared Files: Amout of shared files
- Total size of Shared Files: Total sum of the shared files' file sizes
- Average filesize: Average file size of your shared files
Note that statistics which's value is not yet known might be hidden until a valid value can be displayed.
Number | Description |
1 | Download statistics |
2 | Connections statistics |
3 | Fraction between amount of of opened connections and amount of connections allowed |
4 | Upload statistics |
5 | Detailed statistics |