Cross-compilation for windows with mingw
If you know how to compile everything on Linux, there's not much new to learn.
Two things are important:
- use the cross-compile toolchain (i.e. i486-mingw32-gcc instead of gcc and i486-mingw32-ranlib instead of ranlib)
- use the headers and libraries for the target system
If something goes wrong, you can expect one of these two points to be the culprit. Wrong/different headers or additional libraries (like ws2_32 for sockets) are another major source of trouble.
Most software using autotools will compile using ./configure --host=i486-mingw32; other software may require further changes.
Compilation step-by-step
Installing mingw32
pacman -S mingw32-{binutils,gcc,runtime,w32api}
aptitude install mingw32{,-binutils,-runtime}
Setting environment variables
The value for TARGET depends on mingw32, it's i486-mingw32 for arch and i586-mingw32msvc for Debian.
export TARGET=i486-mingw32 #export TARGET=i586-mingw32msvc
Set a directory for building aMule. These two export commands have to be once in every terminal used to execute other command blocks shown here.
export BUILDDIR=$HOME/mingw32
Prepare build directory
mkdir -p $BUILDDIR mkdir -p $BUILDDIR/tmp
Build zlib
cd $BUILDDIR wget tar xzf zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz cd zlib-1.2.5 CC=$TARGET-gcc AR="$TARGET-ar" RANLIB=$TARGET-ranlib ./configure --prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --static make install
You have to remove the line 'cp $(SHAREDLIBV) $(DESTDIR)$(sharedlibdir)' from the Makefile before running make install though.
Build libiconv
cd $BUILDDIR wget tar xzf libiconv-1.13.tar.gz cd libiconv-1.13 ./configure --host=$TARGET --prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp make install
Build gettext
(patch necessary)
cd $BUILDDIR wget tar xzf gettext-0.17.tar.gz cd gettext-0.17 echo "29,30d28 < VARIABLE(rpl_optarg) < VARIABLE(rpl_optind) " | patch gettext-tools/woe32dll/gettextlib-exports.c ./configure --host=$TARGET --prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --with-libiconv-prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp make install
Build wxwidgets
cd $BUILDDIR wget tar xjf wxWidgets-2.8.11.tar.bz2 cd wxWidgets-2.8.11 ./configure --host=$TARGET --prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --with-libiconv-prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --enable-unicode --disable-shared make install
Build cryptopp
quite some patching necessary
cd $BUILDDIR wget mkdir cryptopp cd cryptopp unzip -a ../ echo "69d68 < LDFLAGS += -pthread" | patch GNUmakefile echo "9c9 < RANLIB = ranlib --- > RANLIB = $TARGET-ranlib" | patch GNUmakefile CXX=$TARGET-g++ RANLIB=$TARGET-ranlib AR=$TARGET-ar LDLIBS=-lws2_32 make -f GNUmakefile PREFIX=$BUILDDIR/tmp make -f GNUmakefile install
It complains about missing .so files. No problem.
cd $BUILDDIR wget tar xjf aMule-2.2.6.tar.bz2 cd aMule-2.2.6 ./configure --host=$TARGET --with-zlib=$BUILDDIR/tmp --with-wx-prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --with-wx-config=$BUILDDIR/tmp/bin/wx-config --with-crypto-prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp make install
Copying everything together
cd $BUILDDIR mkdir pkg cp /usr/$TARGET/bin/mingwm10.dll $BUILDDIR/pkg cp $BUILDDIR/tmp/lib/*.dll $BUILDDIR/pkg cp $BUILDDIR/tmp/bin/amule.exe $BUILDDIR/pkg
cd $BUILDDIR/pkg wine amule
Stripping binaries
It significantly reduces the binary sizes, but you will loose debug information! So don't do it if you need to send crash reports to the aMule developers.
You need the cross-compile strip tool (for instance i686-mingw32-strip instead of strip).
cd $BUILDDIR/pkg $TARGET-strip amule