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(First rought draft containing most important information, needs a lot of editing)
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Revision as of 22:51, 29 June 2009

If you know how to compile everything on Linux, there's not much new to learn.

Two things are important:

  • use the cross-compile toolchain (i.e. i486-mingw32-gcc instead of gcc and i486-mingw32-ranlib instead of ranlib)
  • use the headers and libraries for the target system

If something goes wrong, you can expect one of these two points to be the culprit. Wrong/different headers or additional libraries (like ws2_32 for sockets) are another major source of trouble.

Most software using autotools will compile using ./configure --host=i486-mingw32; other software may require further changes.

Install mingw32:


 pacman -S mingw32-{binutils,gcc,runtime,w32api}


 aptitude install mingw32{,-binutils,-runtime}

The value for TARGET depends on mingw32, it's i486-mingw32 for arch and i586-mingw32msvc for Debian.

 export TARGET=i486-mingw32
 #export TARGET=i586-mingw32msvc

Set a directory for building aMule. These two export commands have to be once in every terminal used to execute other command blocks shown here.

 export BUILDDIR=$HOME/mingw32

Prepare build directory:

 mkdir -p $BUILDDIR
 mkdir -p $BUILDDIR/tmp

Build zlib

 wget http://www.zlib.net/zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz
 tar xzf zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz
 cd zlib-1.2.3
 CC=$TARGET-gcc AR="$TARGET-ar rc" RANLIB=$TARGET-ranlib ./configure --prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp
 make install

Build libiconv (needed for gettext)

 wget http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.13.tar.gz
 tar xzf libiconv-1.13.tar.gz
 cd libiconv-1.13
 ./configure --host=$TARGET --prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp
 make install

Build gettext (patch needed)

 wget http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.17.tar.gz
 tar xzf gettext-0.17.tar.gz
 cd gettext-0.17
 echo "29,30d28
 < VARIABLE(rpl_optarg)
 < VARIABLE(rpl_optind)
 " | patch gettext-tools/woe32dll/gettextlib-exports.c
 ./configure --host=$TARGET --prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --with-libiconv-prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp
 make install

Build wxwidgets

 wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxwindows/wxWidgets-2.8.10.tar.bz2
 tar xjf wxWidgets-2.8.10.tar.bz2
 cd wxWidgets-2.8.10
 ./configure --host=$TARGET --prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --with-libiconv-prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --enable-unicode --disable-shared
 make install

Build cryptopp, quite some patching necessary.

 wget http://cryptopp.com/cryptopp560.zip
 mkdir cryptopp
 cd cryptopp
 unzip -a ../cryptopp560.zip
 echo "71a72,73
 > #include <malloc.h>
 " | patch rijndael.cpp
 echo "69d68
 < LDFLAGS += -pthread" | patch GNUmakefile
 echo "9c9
 < RANLIB = ranlib
 > RANLIB = $TARGET-ranlib" | patch GNUmakefile
 CXX=$TARGET-g++ RANLIB=$TARGET-ranlib AR=$TARGET-ar LDLIBS=-lws2_32 make -f GNUmakefile
 PREFIX=$BUILDDIR/tmp make -f GNUmakefile install

And finally aMule:

 wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/amule/aMule-2.2.5.tar.bz2
 tar xjf aMule-2.2.5.tar.bz2
 cd aMule-2.2.5
 ./configure --host=$TARGET --with-zlib=$BUILDDIR/tmp --with-wx-prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --with-wx-config=$BUILDDIR/tmp/bin/wx-config --with-crypto-prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp --prefix=$BUILDDIR/tmp
 make install

Copying everything together:

 mkdir pkg
 cp /usr/$TARGET/bin/mingwm10.dll $BUILDDIR/pkg
 cp $BUILDDIR/tmp/lib/*.dll $BUILDDIR/pkg
 cp $BUILDDIR/tmp/bin/amule.exe $BUILDDIR/pkg


 cd $BUILDDIR/pkg
 wine amule