Talk:HowTo Compile In Debian/Ubuntu

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To successully compile aMule in my Sarge I had to create a link like this:

ln -s /usr/include/crypto++ /usr/include/cryptopp

because the make process searchs for config.h in cryptopp directory, not in crypto++.

They might have hanged the pathnames again. Thanks for the info :-)
The problem is that both crypto++ and Debian's crypto++ package have been changing the pathnames in order to suit, and this has become a mess. hehehe
Anyway, since next aMule release (it is currenly already implemented into aMule CVS) crypto++ will no longer be needed since it's necessary functions have been coded into aMule.
Again, thanks for the info!

28/09/04 - stk : A small error in step 8 : remplace "ls -s /usr/include/crypto++ /usr/include/cryptopp" by "ln -s /usr/include/crypto++ /usr/include/cryptopp" ;)

Thanx a lot! Fixed.

other info : In my Sarge, with libcrypto++5.1_5.1-5_i386.deb and libcrypto++-dev_5.1-5_i386.deb package, I have an error : ld cannot find lcryptopp..

so, I have made a link with this command : "ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/" and run ldconfig -> it work !

I completly forgot to answer to you :-( i added your comment to the howto some long time ago. thanks :)

jeremie :

Installing 200rc6 is a piece of cake with your advices. (sarge on 20041019)

No more fuss about crypto++ and so on, just apt-get the packages, then configure / make / make install.

It takes 5 minutes.

Thanks for the names of the dependancies.

Very much thanks for your words! Makes me feel batter :)

Works just fine in Ubuntu

I just wanted to let you know that this HowTo also applies just fine to "HowTo Compile in Unbuntu". Sure, anyone would have probably guessed that, but I can confirm it now... :-)

Hey! Thanx! THat is indeed an important note since Ubunto is being so successful and popular lately. I'll try to fix it somewhere to link ubunto users there too :)

Hi, I had problems with the libcurl2-dev. Is libcurl3-dev the actual package?

Yes, you can use libcurl3-dev without any problems. In fact, thatnks for the note, i just changed it to point to liburl3 in the guide ;-)

17/05/2005 Hi, I don't want compile amule :-), so I add deb testing amule and

deb testing wx in my  /etc/apt/sources.list. But apt-get update && apt-get install amule don't work... I find an error in

. In fact, Packages.gz is broken!!!

Please contact Vollstrecker in or mail him. He is the deb packager for CVS builds. Thanks :-)

22/05/05 When I run (Debian Sarge and Amule 2.0.1)

cd ~/aMule-compilation/aMule-2.0.1/ && ./configure && make

I get (after compilation process):

#bash: make: command not found

And I cannot execute make install....

I warn you that I did the compilation following absolutely all the steps that this page says: ??????

Thanks in advance


Heh, well, you're right, I didn't think anyone would not have make installed ;-)

Ok, so just apt-get install make

Now follow the article again, it will work now (I guess. If it still doesn't, please ask again :-))

Mmmmmmmm.... what ganso I am... You were right, I had not installed make (installed Sarge with manual selection of packages... and... you know, are a few and one gets dizzy...). But now I request another aid to you that will serve, I suppose, for many users. Tell me exactly how to share in a same PC downloads of Win's emule in Linux's amule and vice versa... Because I have put in a partition FAT32 the directories "incoming" and "temp" of Emule and I have mounted those same directories in Sarge (those directories are NOT mounted in the default folder of Amule, but in "/" (like this: /amule/incoming/temp). But when I watch in "Traffic" of Amule does not see any of downloads that are in the directories mounted from FAT32.... Regards Richard

Well, there's no trick. Just make sure aMule -> Preferences -> Directories points to the right directories ;-) Also take a look at FAQ_aMule#Can_I_use_eMule's_files_and_settings_and_vice-versa?

Please refer to for non Debian-article-related stuff ;-) So any further questions regarding using your eMule files, please post them at the forums :-)


Problem with wxWidgets and GTK2

When i configure amule 2.0.3 in my sarge i see this line checking if wxWidgets was linked with GTK2... no

And when configure script finish i watch that

"Configure script has finished system check.

 Configured aMule 2.0.3 for 'i686-pc-linux'.
 aMule enabled options:
 **** aMule Core ****
 Prefix where aMule should be installed?                    /usr/local
 Should aMule be compiled with i18n support?                yes
 Should aMule be compiled in debug mode?                    yes
 Should aMule be compiled with profiling?                   no
 Should aMule be compiled with optimizations?               no
 Should aMule be compiled with taskbar icon support?        yes
 Should aMule be compiled with old GTK taskbar icon?        yes
 Should aMule be compiled with UTF-8 taskbar icon support?  no
 Should aMule be linked against patched gsocket?            yes
 Should aMule monolithic application be built?              yes
 Should aMule daemon version be built?                      no
 Should aMule remote gui be built? (EXPERIMENTAL)           no
 Crypto++ library/headers style?                            embedded
 **** aMule TextClient ****
 Should aMule Command Line Client be built?                 no
 Should aMule GUI Client be built?                          no
 **** aMule WebServer ****
 Should aMule WebServer be built?                           no
 Should aMule WebServer GUI be built?                       no
 **** aMule ED2K Links Handler ****
 Should aMule ED2K Links Handler be built?                  yes
 **** aMuleLinkCreator ****
 Should aMuleLinkCreator GUI version (alc) be built?        no
 Should aMuleLinkCreator for console (alcc) be built?       no
 **** aMule Statistics ****
 Should C aMule Statistics (CAS) be built?                  no
 Should aMule GUI Statistics (wxCas) be built?              no
 **** General Libraries and Tools ****
 Should ccache support be enabled?                          no
 Libraries aMule will use to build:
                                      wxWidgets             2.4.2
                                      GTK                   Not detected
                                      crypto++              embedded
                                      zlib                  1.2.2

WARNING! gd-lib >= 2.0.0, or a functional gd.h (from gd-devel) not found.
amuleweb will be compiled but file download progress bar images will NOT be generated.
See the above error on gd check for solutions.

" How can I fix it?

There's nothing to fix. Just run make now. It didn't detect the GTK version but that doesn't prevent it from compiling as long as it detected wxGTK correctly.

Hi, Im getting the same output as the guy above and when making it complains about an undeclared definition. Ive done my homework trying to find in google in what file this definition is, without any luck

/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/, may conflict with amule-ExternalConn.o: En la función `pair': /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.1/../../../../include/c++/4.0.1/bits/stl_pair.h:85: referencia a `CValueMap::CValueMap(CValueMap const&)' sin definir amule-ExternalConn.o: En la función `~pair': /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.1/../../../../include/c++/4.0.1/bits/stl_pair.h:69: referencia a `CValueMap::~CValueMap()'sin definir amule-ExternalConn.o: En la función `pair':

/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.1/../../../../include/c++/4.0.1/bits/stl_pair.h:69: referencia a `CValueMap::CValueMap(CValueMap const&)' sin definir amule-ExternalConn.o: En la función `__gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<CMD4Hash>::destroy(CMD4Hash*)': /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.1/../../../../include/c++/4.0.1/ext/mt_allocator.h:614: referencia a `CMD4Hash::~CMD4Hash()' sin definir amule-ExternalConn.o: En la función `std::map<void*, CValueMap, std::less<void*>, std::allocator<std::pair<void* const, CValueMap> > >::operator[](void* const&)': /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.1/../../../../include/c++/4.0.1/bits/stl_map.h:339: referencia a `CValueMap::~CValueMap()'sin definir /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.1/../../../../include/c++/4.0.1/bits/stl_map.h:339: referencia a `CValueMap::~CValueMap()'sin definir collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[3]: *** [amule] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/aMule-2.0.3/src' make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/aMule-2.0.3/src' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/aMule-2.0.3' make: *** [all] Error 2

"referencia a" && "sin definir" means "undefined reference to"


A mi me parece que el error viene por /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/, may conflict with Parece que algo está mal en tus librerias estándar de C++. Prueba a reinstalar gcc y g++ y asegurate de que no los tienes doblemente instaladas...

Problem with ubuntu

I have just installed amule with the "deb debian/" source but while i'm loading amule, I've got the following error message :

amule: error while loading shared librairies : cannot open shared object file

I'm running the last stable version of ubuntu whith gnome.

Thanks for help !!

just install libbfd & libbfd-dev or binutils & binutils-dev

I have installed binutils-dev but I have still this problem. I found the following file : /usr/lib/ , is it a version problem ?

'hi, yes.. the version is the problem. I can tell you more at the weekend as I have no time now. sorry.

But you could look for some Ubuntu forum and ask the ppl there about aMule.

cheers, deltaHF

Fixed by linking libbdf new version with old version
ln /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
(maybe not a good idea but it's works without bugs actually !)