HowTo Compile In Gentoo
English version updated: 23.12.2007 - Newest Gentoo Version are now 2.1.3 as well that 2 CVS versions.
Gentoo is known for choices. Unfortunately, some choices require more labor than others. As such, aMule comes in a variety of versions and installation methods based on what version of wxGTK you decide to use...
Also, if you plan to build a GUI-less core, you might want to take a look at, comment #3 contains a patch for wxGTK ebuild that removes the dependency on X.
Methods of Installation
This ebuild matches the most current, stable aMule release, it is available 13.10.2007 in portage.
Dependencies: >=x11-libs/wxGTK-2.6.*; >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.1; >=media-libs/libpng-1.2.0 for remote support; >=media-libs/gd-2.0.26 for unicode support.
This ebuild is marked as unstable for all architectures.
Not intended for the general public. If you'd like to test out the daily development snapshot, then this is the version for you.
Dependencies: >=x11-libs/wxGTK-2.6.* or 2.8.*; >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.1; >=media-libs/gd-2.0.26; >=media-libs/libpng-1.2.0; devs-libs/geoip
Status: In development; 2 versions in portage; the latest tarball need a personal portage overlay
Installation instructions
1. Emerge package:
emerge --sync emerge amule -pv emerge amule
amule CVS (portage)
Portage have 2 CVS ebuilds: amule-2.2.0_pre20070422.ebuild with wXgtk-2.6 support and amule-2.2.0_pre20071204.ebuild with wXgtk-2.8 support. Both are marked as unstable for all architectures.
To install amule-2.2.0_pre20070422:
1. Add to package.keywords:
echo "net-p2p/amule ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
2. Review installation flags:
emerge amule -pv
3. Modify /etc/portage/package.use to suit your needs :
net-p2p/amule -amuled -debug gtk nls -remote -stats unicode
This would install amule without deamon and remote support. To activate deamons and remote options, leave out the '-' like this:
net-p2p/amule amuled -debug gtk nls remote -stats unicode
As aMule needs unicode support or it won't compile, you might also want to add a line to enable unicode in x11-libs/wxGTK
x11-libs/wxGTK unicode
Personally, I have the unicode USE flag in /etc/make.conf so that any program that support unicode will be compiled with unicode support.
4. Install aMule:
emerge amule
To install amule-2.2.0_pre-20071204,
we need to unmask wXgtk-2.8. Process like for amule-2.2.0_pre20070422, but with this supplementary step:
1. Unmask amule-2.2.0_pre-20071204 and wXgtk-2.8
echo "=net-p2p/amule-2.2.0_pre20071204" >> /etc/portage/package.unmask echo "=x11-libs/wxGTK-" >> /etc/portage/package.unmask
amule CVS (latest one)
It is no ebuild for the current aMule CVS so we need to add one in portage. For that, we will make use of a personal portage overlay. If you don't already have one, just follow this HOWTO article: HOWTO Installing 3rd Party Ebuilds
We will also follow the naming scheme of portage. CVS ebuild from a CVS tarball are not named as package_name-cvs but as package_name-version_date_of_the_tarball. That is to distinguish them from real CVS ebuilds (the so called live ebuilds) named as package_name-9999 and using keywords="".
1. Define PORTDIR_OVERLAY. Open up /etc/make.conf with your favourite text editor and define the PORTDIR_OVERLAY variable. We will use:
2. Create overlay for amule-cvs:
mkdir -p /usr/local/net-p2p/amule
3. Add to package.keywords:
echo "net-p2p/amule ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
4. Copy the following ebuild into {PORTDIR_OVERLAY}/net-p2p/amule/amule-2.2.0_p20071217.ebuild
I use here the tarball from 17 December 2007 that was working fine for me, but you can change the date like you want. I use p in order to distinguish this ebuild from the ones in portage (using pre).
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit eutils flag-o-matic wxwidgets MY_PN=${PN/m/M} MY_PV="${PV/2.2.0_p/}" S="${WORKDIR}/amule-cvs" DESCRIPTION="aMule, the all-platform eMule p2p client" HOMEPAGE="" SRC_URI="${MY_PN}-CVS-${MY_PV}.tar.bz2" RESTRICT="nomirror" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86" IUSE="amuled debug geoip gtk nls remote stats unicode" DEPEND="=x11-libs/wxGTK-2.8* >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.1 stats? ( >=media-libs/gd-2.0.26 ) geoip? ( dev-libs/geoip ) remote? ( >=media-libs/libpng-1.2.0 unicode? ( >=media-libs/gd-2.0.26 ) )" pkg_setup() { if ! use gtk && ! use remote && ! use amuled; then eerror "" eerror "You have to specify at least one of gtk, remote or amuled" eerror "USE flag to build amule." eerror "" die "Invalid USE flag set" fi if use stats && ! use gtk; then einfo "Note: You would need both the gtk and stats USE flags" einfo "to compile aMule Statistics GUI." einfo "I will now compile console versions only." fi if use stats && ! built_with_use media-libs/gd jpeg; then die "media-libs/gd should be compiled with the jpeg use flag when you have the stats use flag set" fi } pkg_preinst() { if use amuled || use remote; then enewgroup p2p enewuser p2p -1 -1 /home/p2p p2p fi } src_compile() { local myconf WX_GTK_VER="2.8" if use gtk; then einfo "wxGTK with gtk support will be used" need-wxwidgets unicode else einfo "wxGTK without X support will be used" need-wxwidgets base fi if use gtk ; then use stats && myconf="${myconf} --enable-wxcas --enable-alc" use remote && myconf="${myconf} --enable-amule-gui" else myconf=" --disable-monolithic --disable-amule-gui --disable-wxcas --disable-alc" fi econf \ --with-wx-config=${WX_CONFIG} \ --with-wxbase-config=${WX_CONFIG} \ --enable-amulecmd \ $(use_enable debug) \ $(use_enable !debug optimize) \ $(use_enable amuled amule-daemon) \ $(use_enable geoip) \ $(use_enable nls) \ $(use_enable remote webserver) \ $(use_enable stats cas) \ $(use_enable stats alcc) \ ${myconf} || die # we filter ssp until bug #74457 is closed to build on hardened filter-flags -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-all emake -j1 || die } src_install() { emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die if use amuled; then newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/amuled.confd amuled newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/amuled.initd amuled fi if use remote; then newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/amuleweb.confd amuleweb newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/amuleweb.initd amuleweb fi }
5. Change directory:
cd /usr/local/portage/net-p2p/amule/
6. Digest the ebuild:
ebuild amule-2.2.0_p10071217.ebuild digest
7. Review installation flags:
emerge amule -pv
8. Modify /etc/portage/package.use to suit your needs (please note that debug is enabled regardless of USE flag):
net-p2p/amule -amuled -debug geoip gtk nls -remote -stats unicode
This would install amule without deamon and remote support. To activate deamons and remote options, leave out the '-' like this:
net-p2p/amule X amuled -debug geoip gtk nls -nosystray -optimize remote remote-gui -stats unicode
As aMule needs unicode support or it won't compile, you might also want to add a line to enable unicode in x11-libs/wxGTK
x11-libs/wxGTK unicode
9. Install aMule CVS:
emerge amule
PLEASE do emerge amule -pv before installing to determine how you want to compile aMule.
aMule 2.1.1 Compilation FAQ
When compiling aMule-2.1.1 on a hardened system with gcc-3.4.5(at least), it will fail with something like:
WebServer.h: In member function `T* UpdatableItemsContainer<T, G, I>::GetByID(I) [with T = SharedFile, G = CEC_SharedFile_Tag, I = CMD4Hash]': WebServer.h:270: internal compiler error: in sweep_string_variable, at protector.c:1158
The possible problem is the -fPIE CFLAG because using `gcc-config` to select i386-pc-linux-gnu-3.4.5-hardenednopiessp fixed the problem, and you can even remove from the ebuild:
if has_hardened; then filter-flags -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-all fi
You can read more on the subject following the link