Usage Preferences

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The Preferences window allows you to set aMule's settings.


The preferences options are divided into sections. Each section groups options with similar targets. You can view the available options by clicking the appropriate section in the list by the left side of the window.


This section contains options regarding general aspects of aMule.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • Nick: Username to use;
  • Language: the language in which the text will be displayed (on UNIX systems, this requires the appropiate LC_ALL (or LC_MESSAGES) variable). System default sets the system's language
  • Misc Options;
    • Check for new versions at startup: if ticked, when aMule starts it will check whether new aMule releases are available; if this is the case, it will show a message to that effect;
    • Start minimized: this will minimize aMule when it starts;
    • Prompt on exit: when closing aMule, you'll then be asked for confirmation;
    • Enable Tray Icon: you'll be shown a tray icon for aMule;
    • Minimize to trayicon: when minimizing aMule, this will hide the window completely so it can only be unminimized from the systray icon (see the usage article about tray icon). This option will only be available when Enable Tray Icon option is enabled;
    • Tooltip Delay Time in secs: the number of seconds it takes for the systray tooltip to appear (see the usage article about tray icon)
  • Browser Selection: Select the browser you want aMule to use when opening web sites
  • Custom Browser: When selecting Custom browser in the browser selection list, this box will be active so you can enter the browser command to use to start a browser. Use the Browse button to browse the filesystem for the browser
  • Open in new tab if possible: Some browsers allow for pages to be started in new tabs rather than overriding the web site it was viewing so, if possible, when this option is enabled, open web sites in a new tab


This section contains options regarding connections aMule.

The description for each item follows:

  • Bandwidth Limits
    • Download: Maximum download speed to allow
    • Upload: Maximum upload speed to allow
    • Slot Allocation: Define speed for every allocated slot
  • Line Capacities
    • Download: Download speed your line is capable of performing. This is only used for Statistics and the speed bar in the SysTray icon
    • Upload: Upload speed your line is capable of performing. This is only used for Statistics and the speed bar in the SysTray icon
  • Standard client TCP Port: Standard client TCP port aMule will use
  • Extended client UDP Port
    • Extended client UDP Port: Extended client UDP port aMule will use
    • disable: Disable the Extended client UDP port. This will decrease aMule's performance and usage in some apsects, but will free a port
  • UDP port for extended server requests: This field cannot be modified. It is there only so that the user remembers about the extended server requests UDP port's existence and easily knows which numbre it is assigned
  • Max Sources per File: Maximum amount of sources that will be remembered for every file
  • Connection Limits: Maximum amount of simoultanous connections
  • Networks
    • ED2K: Enable the ED2K network. If disabled, it will only be possible to connect by explicitly doing so from the Networks window
    • Kademlia: Enable the Kademlia network. If disabled, it will only be possible to connect by explicitly doing so from the Networks window
  • Autoconnect on startup: Connect aMule to the enabled netwrks when it starts
  • Reconnect on loss: Atempt to connect to a server when disconnected. If it was disconnected because of an error, it will attempt to connect to the same server it was connected to. Otherwise, if it was explicitly disconnected by the server, it will attempt to connect to just any other server
  • Show overhead bandwidth: Show in the Status bar the bandwidth that control packets take


This section contains options regarding connection aMule through a proxy.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • General
    • Enable Proxy: Enable the use of a proxy
    • Proxy type: Select the type of proxy it is
    • Proxy host: The proxy's address
    • Proxy port: The port through which the proxy should be accessed
  • Authentication
    • Enable authentication: Enable this option to use a username and password to log into the proxy. If disabled, anonymous log in will be performed
    • Username: Username to use to log into the proxy
    • Password: Password to use to log into the proxy
  • Automatic server connect without proxy: This option is ignored currently

Message Filter

This section contains options regarding messages filtering in aMule.

The description for each item follows:

  • Filter incoming messages: Filter incoming messages with the rules set underneath. Messages which are already open (in the Messages window) will not be closed
  • Filtering Options
    • Filter all messages: Ignore all incoming messages
    • Filter messages from people not on your friend list: Ingore all messages coming from users not in the friends list in Messages window)
    • Filter messages from unknown clients: Ignore messages coming from clients which aren't in any of your upload or download queues
    • Filter messages containing: Ignore all messages containing the strings listed in the box below. These words must be separated with a comma (,) only (all other characters will be taken as part of the string to filter)

Remote Controls

This section contains options regarding controling aMule remotely.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • Webserver Parameters
    • Webserver port: Port where the swebserver will be listening for incoming connections
    • page Refresh Time: Time between refreshes in the web pages
    • Enable Gzip compression: Compress packets transfered from/to aMule from/to aMuleWeb
    • Enable Low rights User: Enable the use of a low rights account to log into the webserver with view capabilities but no administration rights
    • Full rights password: Password for administration from the webserver
    • Low rights password: Password users with low rights can use to log into the websever
    • Web template: Template to use for the webserver (also known as webserver skins)
  • External Connection Parameters
    • Accept external connections: Allow aMule to accept External Connections requests from remote applications (such as aMuleWeb, aMuleGUI or aMuleCMD)
    • IP of the listening interface: IP of the host running aMule. This field is optional
    • TCP port: TCP port where aMule will listen for external connections
    • Password: Password remote applications must supply to succesfully perform External Connections requests

Online Signature

This section contains options regarding aMule's Online Signature.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • Enable Online-Signature: Enable aMule to write the Online Signature
  • Update Frequency: Refresh interval aMule waits to update the Online Signature
  • Online Signature Directory: Locations where the Online Signature must be written to


This section contains options regarding connecting aMule to servers.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • Remove dead server: Enable this option to remove servers which aren't acessible (unable to connect or ping them)
  • Remove dead server after X retries: If the above option is enabled, this specifies how many times a server can fail to connect (or ping) before it is removed from the servers list
  • Auto-update serverlist at startup: Enable this option to have aMule download the serverlist set in the serverlists list window (see the List button)
  • List: By clicking this a window will popup where you can enter the URLs to servers lists you want aMule to download an use at startup when the Auto-update serverlist at startup option is enabled
  • Update serverlist when connecting to a server: When connecting to a server, ask this server for other servers it knows about and add them to the servers list
  • Update serverlist when a client connect: When connecting to a client, ask this client what server it is connected to and add this server to the servers list
  • Use priority system: When connecting to any server, use the priority system to decide which servers to attempt to connect first and which to attempt to conenct the last
  • Use smart LowID check on connect: This option is ignored currently
  • Safe connect: If ennabled, when aMule is asked to connect to any server, it will only try connecting to on server at a time. If disabled, it will try two at a time simoultaneosuly (although only one will be eventually connected)
  • Autoconnect to servers in static list only: When setting aMule to connecto to any server, only attempt to connect to connect to those tagged as static
  • Set manually added servers to High Priority: When a server is manually added thorugh the Networks window, set its priority to High


This section contains options regarding aMule's downloading files.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • Intelligent Corruption Handling
    • I.C.H. active: Enable ICH
    • AICH trusts every hash: AICH is enabled by default. This option asks if aMule should blindly trust every hash it receives. Since other clients can contribute hashes, potentially bad hashes, it is recommended this option be left unchecked. When this is unchecked aMule applies various sanity checks to hashes it receives.
  • Add files to download in pause mode: When a new file is added to download, add it paused
  • Add files to download with auto priority: Whe a new file is added to download, set its priority to Auto
  • Try to download first and last chunks first: When downloading a file, always try to download the beginning and the end of the file first. This is useful to quickly be able to preview the audio and video files
  • Add new shared files with auto priority: When a file is added to any of the shared directories or whne a file is completly downloaded, set its share priority to Auto
  • Try to transfer full chunks to all uploads: When this option is enabled (recommended) once you begin uploading to a client no other client can gain its slot until it gets the whole chunk size. Ff disabled, the client with the highest score in the upload queue will always be given an upload score
  • Start next paused file when a file completed: If enabled, when a file is completed, the highest priority paused file will be resumed
  • From the same category: When enabled, if Start next paused file when a file completed is enabled, it will resume the highest priority file in the same category (if there is any paused file in the same category, just any other paused file if there isn't)
  • Save 10 sources on rare files: When closing aMule save 10 sources for those files which have few sources, so those sources can be reused on next startup (if it is quickly restarted)
  • Disk space
    • Check Disk Space: If enabled, aMule will stop files when the free disk space in the filesystem would be lower than the value set in Min Disk Space
    • Min Disk Space: If Check Disk Space is enabled, this is, in MB, the minimum free disk space that should remain
  • Execute command on file completion
    • Enable command execution: If enabled, when a file is completed the command in Command will be executed
    • Command: If Enable command execution is enabled, the command in this box will be executed when a file is completed. The following substitutions will be performed in the string provided:
Key Description
%FILE File's path and filename
%NAME File's filename (without path)
%SIZE File's size
%HASH File's hash

Sources Dropping

This section contains options regarding aMule source dropping algorithm.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • Sources with no needed file-parts: Decide what aMule should do with those sources which are in a file for which you already have the parts of the file those sources have
  • Enable auto drop Full Queue Sources: If a source's queue is full, ignore it
  • Enable auto drop High Queue Rating Sources: Ingore sources who have given you a queue rank higher than the value in High Queue Rating value
  • Auto Drop Sources Timer: Time a source can be known before it is ignored


This section contains options regarding aMule's directories.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • Incoming Directory: Directory where the completed files will be stored. You can use the Browse button by its side to select the directory
  • Temporary Directory: Directory where imcomplete files will be or are placed. You can use the Browse button by its side to select the directory
  • Shared Directories: Select the directories who's files you want to share. To select a directory, double click over its icon. To select all its contents recursively right-click over its icon. The following codes are used to display the shared status of a directory:
    • Normal font: The directory is not marked as shared
    • Bold font: The directory is marked as shared
    • Yellow folder icon: The directory does not contain any subdirectory marked as shared (ths doesn't mean this directory isn't marked as shared either)
    • Red folder icon: The directory contains subdirectories which are marked as shared
  • Share hidden files: Share hidden files in the shared directories too
  • Video Player: Command to execute when selectign to preview an audio or video file. The appropiate filename will be appended at the end of the command line
  • Create Backup to preview: When previewing a file, do not preview directly the file aMule is suing, but instead copy it to a temporary file and preview this other file


This section contains options regarding aMule's statistics.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • Graphs
    • Update delay: Refresh interval for the statistics graphs
    • Time for average graph: Time interval used to calculate the average values in the statistics graphs (the Running Average)
    • Connections Graph Scale: Amount of connections the connections graph can repersent
    • Select Statistcs Colors: Here yo can select the colours used in the statistics. Select the item from the menu and then select the colour from the Select button
  • Statistics Tree
    • Update delay: Refresh interval for the statistics tree
    • Number of Client Versions shown: Maximum amount of clients versions to be displayed for each client application listed in the tree


This section contains options regarding aMule's security.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • File Options
    • Who can see shared files: Select who can see your shared files. It is recommended to hide them to everyone
    • Default Permissions
      • Files: Permissions newly created files will be given. Please note that this may collision with your umask system value see this article for more information
      • Directories: Permissions newly created directories will be given. Please note that this may collision with your umask system value see this article for more information
  • IP-Filtering
    • Enable IP-Filtering: Enable filtering IPs known to be bad
    • Reload List: Reload the list of filtered IPs and check that all connections are properly filtered
    • Auto-update ipfilter at startup: Make aMule download the url in the URL box at startup
    • Update now: Update the list of filtered IPS now from the url in the URL box
    • Filtering Level: Select the filtering level, See the IP Filter article
    • Always filter LAN IPs: Always filter IPs claiming to be in your local LAN
  • Use Secure Identification: Use the Secure User Identification protocol to identify against other clients (recommended)

GUI Tweaks

This section contains advanced options regarding aMule's GUI.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • Download Queue Files Progress
    • Show percentage: Show the completed percentage value for every file in the downloads queue (over the progress bar if the progress bar is also visible)
    • Show progressbar: Show a progress bar displayed the availability of the chuns for every file in the downloads queue
    • Progressbar Style: Select the styl of the progress bar when Show progressbar is enabled
  • Skin Support
    • Use skin file to set aMule bitmaps: Not yet supported
    • Skin file: Not yet supported
  • Auto-sort files in the download queue: When enabled, the downlods list will be resorted more frequently (not recommended, consumes many CPU cycles)
  • Misc GUI Tweaks
    • Show Fast ED2K Links Handler: Show the ED2K Link Handler in all the windows, not only in the Searches window
    • Show extended info on categories tabs: When enabled, the tabs titles for categories in the Transfer window will also display the amount of downloading files in the category and the total amount of files in the category
    • Show transfer rates on title: Show transfer speeds in the title text
    • Vertical toolbar orientation: Show the toolbar horizontally (disabled) or vertically (enabled)

Core Tweaks

This section contains advanced options regarding aMule's core system.

The descritpion for each item follows:

  • Max new connections / 5 secs: Maximum amount of new connections to establish per every 5 seconds
  • File Buffer Size: Maximum amount of memory each file can take
  • Upload Queue Size: Maximum amount of clients to be queued in the uload queue
  • Server connection refresh interval: Ping intervals to the server (to avoid being disconnected because of lack of transmission)


This section contains advanced options for debugging aMule.

You may enable extra debugging output to your aMule log by enabling the Enable Verbose Debug-Logging. checkbox.

Once enabled, you may define what exact debug messages you want to get in the log by enabling/disabling the options in the Message Categories list.

This whole debugging preferences window should not be touched unless you know what you are doing. Therefore, its options will not be described.


Here you can configure aMule's behaviour like eMail-notification when several events (like completed downloads or new chatsessions) occur as described here.

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