
From AMule Project FAQ
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In a P2P context, share is what is meant by uploading and downloading files.

This is, any client uploading a file (or at least letting other people to download it from it, even if no other client is doing so at that very moment), is sharing that file.

The P2P world is based on that: uploading and downloading files continously to make sure they are always running around the internet and so, can be downloaded by any client at any time.

To learn how to share a/some file/s with aMule, take a look at this article and this other one.

You might also want to know what aMule considers to be a shared file.


In un ambiente P2P, "condividere" significa scambiare files tramite azioni di 'uploading' e 'downloading'. Cioè, ogni client che rende disponibile (uploading) un file (ovvero che consenta ad altre persone di scaricarlo, anche se nessuno lo sta realmente facendo al momento), sta condividendo quel file.

Il mondo del P2P si basa su questo: cedere e acquisire files continuamente in modo che essi siano sempre disponibili su Internet e, quindi, possano essere scaricati da qualsiasi client in qualunque momento.

Per impararare come condividere files con aMule, date un'occhiata a questo articolo e a questo