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English | Deutsch


Pendant que vous restez sur nos canaux IRC, nous attendons de vous que vous respectiez ces règles. Vous êtes censé les avoir lues et comprises. Leur méconnaissance n'est pas une excuse.

La plus simple des règles est : Ayez de bonnes manières.

Ne pas suivre ces règles peut résulter en éjections, bannissements temporaires voire permanents en fonction de l'importance de la transgression.

Ce que vous devez faire

  • Parlez anglais. Pour d'autres langages, visitez nos forums.
  • Étant donne que l'anglais n'est pour beaucoup de personnes qu'une seconde langue, vous devriez vous assurer d'écrire un anglais correct et compréhensible.
  • Cherchez au lieu de demander. Dans bon nombre de cas, il a déjà été répondu à votre question auparavant. Les endroits où chercher incluent les Forums, le Wiki et Google.
  • Search before you ask. In many cases, your questions have already been answered before. Places to search include, the
  • Les conversations personnelles devraient être conduites en privé (/query <nick>).

Ce que vous ne devez pas faire

  • You must not violate any of your country's laws nor any of the European Community laws nor any of the USA laws nor any of the international laws while staying at any of our channels. Sounds funny? Well, it's not.
  • You must not talk about anything that doesn't regard directly (in the most strict way) to aMule as an application. Exceptionally, you may ask questions about the ed2k and Kademlia protocols, but an answer is not guaranteed.
  • You must not talk, directly or indirectly, about any copyrighted non-free (in the beer way) material.
  • You must not provide any URL which's contents break any of our channels rules.
  • You must not provide any ed2k link.
  • Do not flood. If you need to share large ammounts of text, use a pastebin service such as pastebin.ca.
  • You must not use any bots in the channels unless some channel operator allows you to do so.
  • Do not spam. That includes scripts, away-messages, advertising, repeatedly asking the same question, etc.


  • Have patience. If nobody is answering your question, it may be because nobody is around to read it, or nobody present knows the answer.
  • Use the latest stable aMule release.
  • Distro specific questions, should go the distro's channel or forums. Mostly because we won't know the answer.

What if a rule is not clear?

These rules are made by the channels operators. If you are uncertain about some particular rule or other, you can either assume the worst or ask if you have understood them correctly.

However, since we have not yet merged into a Borg collective, different operators may interprent the rules differently. If an operator confronts you with doing something another operator told you was ok, let the second operator know (including who told you so). If the operator that tells you not to do something is Kry, you're doomed.