HowTo compile on Win32 with MinGW

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by Madcat

List of things you need to compile aMule

Note: Some of these require manually moving includes/libs into the right directories.

Windows port of GNU C compiler [1]

Minimal GNU shell for Windows [2]

Developer toolkit for MSys (for CVS & co) [3]

LibIConv (required by gettext) [4]

GetText (for po files, etc) [5]

Curl library (compile w/o ssl support) [6]

zlib compression library [7]

Crypto++ encryption library [8]

Windows port of wxWidgets library [9]

Common guidelines, issues, solutions

Generally, compile wxMSW as static library. This avoids several linker issues, and provides you with static binary.

Link statically against zlib, crypto, curl and wxMSW to avoid distributing extranous dlls (and generally make life simpler). At this point, this requires manually hacking src/Makefile (after running configure) and changing the neccesery -l*** places to paths to static libraries.

You need to modify wx/setup.h file by hand (after installing wx) and change wxCheckListBox to 0 (or, alternativly, configure wx with --without-checklistbox). Probably there's a better way around this, but I can't think of any right now.