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If you understood "Is there any limit on the [[FAQ_eD2k-Kademlia|ED2K]] network?" then you might have seen that, if your provider allows you, the best is to have the upload limit set to a minimum of 10 KBps. Also, if you understood "What is all that credits, rate and score stuff about?", you might also understand that the more you upload, the more you download, so take the upload limit up as much as you can, share well known and popular files (don't share too much (not more than approximately 200 files) or you'll get banned from some servers for giving too much traffic) and try to share small-sized popular files since some [[FAQ_eD2k-Kademlia|ED2K]] clients give extra credits for providing them a whole small-sized files. A good tip (thanks to kaouete) when you are trying to download some rare or "never completing" file, is, whenever you see someone uploading to you some chunk of that file, give that client a friend slot so that, if it tries to download something from you, it gets preference and you gain credits on that client.
If you understood "Is there any limit on the [[FAQ_eD2k-Kademlia|ED2K]] network?" then you might have seen that, if your provider allows you, the best is to have the upload limit set to a minimum of 10 KBps. Also, if you understood "What is all that credits, rate and score stuff about?", you might also understand that the more you upload, the more you download, so take the upload limit up as much as you can, share well known and popular files (don't share too much (not more than approximately 200 files) or you'll get banned from some servers for giving too much traffic) and try to share small-sized popular files since some [[FAQ_eD2k-Kademlia|ED2K]] clients give extra credits for providing them a whole small-sized files. A good tip (thanks to kaouete) when you are trying to download some rare or "never completing" file, is, whenever you see someone uploading to you some chunk of that file, give that client a friend slot so that, if it tries to download something from you, it gets preference and you gain credits on that client.
== Is there a way to open a text file and load all the ed2k links from the file? ==
== Is er een manier om een tekst bestand te openen en de ed2k links te laden vanuit dat bestand? ==
Yes, there is. Just place all the ed2k links you want to download in a text file, each ed2k link in a separate line. Name that file ''ED2KLinks'' then place it in ''~/.aMule'' and aMule will automatically detect it, add all those ed2k links to download and remove the file.<br>
Ja, die manier is er. Plaats simpelweg alle ed2k links die u wilt downloaden in een tekst bestand, elke ed2k link op een aparte regel. Sla dat bestand op met de naam ''ED2KLinks'' en plaats het in ''~/.aMule''. aMule zal het bestand automatisch ontdekken, alle ed2k links toevoegen aan de download lijst en het bestand verwijderen.<br>
You might want to read [[ED2KLinks_file|this]] to know more about this file.
U wilt misschien [[ED2KLinks_file|dit]] lezen om meer te weten te komen over dit bestand.
== Can I manage [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] remotely through telnet in the same way I do with [[eDonkey2000|eDonkey]]? ==
== Can I manage [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] remotely through telnet in the same way I do with [[eDonkey2000|eDonkey]]? ==
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Be aware, since [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] can't check if a user is running [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] on another X display. So, if your account is already running some [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] instance in some other X display,  do not run another [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] instance on another X display or you might end up with lost configuration settings and corrupt chunks.
Be aware, since [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] can't check if a user is running [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] on another X display. So, if your account is already running some [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] instance in some other X display,  do not run another [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] instance on another X display or you might end up with lost configuration settings and corrupt chunks.
== How can I get those nice [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] statistics some people post on the IRC channels? ==
== Hoe kan ik die leuke [[aMule_Projects_FAQ:About|aMule]] statistieken krijgen die sommige mensen posten in de IRC kanalen? ==
You can either copy and paste [[CAS]]'s (C [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] Statistics) output (to execute [[CAS]], run <code>cas</code>) or, if you use xChat as your IRC client and have the Perl module installed, you could use [[XAS]] (xChat [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] Statistics).
U kunt of de uitvoer van [[CAS]] (C [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] Statistieken) kopiëren en plakken (draai <code>cas</code> om [[CAS]] te starten) of, als u xChat gebruikt als IRC client en de Perl module geïnstalleerd hebt, kunt u [[XAS]] (xChat [[aMule_Project_FAQ:About|aMule]] Statistieken) gebruiken.
== What is slot allocation? ==
== What is slot allocation? ==
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Get ''cryptkey.dat'', ''clients.met'' and ''preferences.dat'' files from eMule's config directory (usually, under Windows, something like ''C:\Program files\eMule\config'') and copy them into ''~/.aMule''. Now start aMule so it reads those files. You're done!
Get ''cryptkey.dat'', ''clients.met'' and ''preferences.dat'' files from eMule's config directory (usually, under Windows, something like ''C:\Program files\eMule\config'') and copy them into ''~/.aMule''. Now start aMule so it reads those files. You're done!
== What is all this [[rabbit]] story about? ==
== Waar gaat dat [[rabbit|konijn]] verhaal over? ==
Ah, yeah, this all began... ehm... well... I mean... follow the white [[rabbit]] ;-)
Oh, ja, het begon allemaal... ehm... nou... ik bedoel... volg het witte [[rabbit|konijn]] ;-)

Revision as of 13:20, 22 March 2005


Veel gestelde vragen over aMule

by Jacobo221

English | Español | Italiano | Portuguese | Français | Deutsche | Nederlands

Wat is aMule?

aMule is een multi-platform client voor het ED2K netwerk gebaseerd op de windows client eMule.
aMule begon in augustus 2003 als een afsplitsing van xMule, welke een afsplitsing is van lMule.

Op dit moment ondersteunt het Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Windows, MacOS X en X-Box op zowel 32 bits als 64 bits computers. Opgemerkt moet worden dat de Windows versie nog niet klaar is voor dagelijks gebruik.

aMule is bedoeld om net zo gebruikersvriendelijk en vol met mogelijkheden te zijn als eMule en om trouw te blijven aan het uiterlijk van eMule, zodat gebruikers die bekend zijn met aMule of eMule makkelijk kunnen overschakelen tussen die twee.

Omdat aMule gebaseerd is op de code van eMule, vinden nieuwe mogelijkheden in eMule vaak snel hun weg naar aMule nadat ze in eMule zijn gekomen, zodat gebruikers van aMule kunnen verwachten om het nieuwste van het nieuwste te hebben van de ED2k clients.

Het beste is, dat het ontwikkeld wordt door een geweldig team die nog gebruikersvriendelijker is dan aMule zelf (voor zover dat mogelijk is), dus kom naar #amule op irc.freenode.net of bezoek de forums, als u suggesties, vragen, problemen, bugs, patches of wat dan ook hebt.

Als u het ontwikkelings team wilt helpen, neem dan a.u.b. contact met ons op via de forums of het IRC kanaal.

Hoe kan ik de credits van een client zien?

U kunt de credits van een client (de credits die u hem schuldig bent) zien door met de rechtermuisknop op de naam te klikken en kiezen voor Laat Details Zien. Er wordt geen specifieke waarde getoond dus u kunt de totale hoeveelheid data die die client naar u heeft gestuurd zien of de Credits Modifier (welke de DL/UP Factor wordt genoemd). In hetzelfde venster kunt u, als die client in uw upload wachtrij zit, de rate en score bij u zien).

What do those colors in the progress bar mean?

On the downloading transfers list:
Red: Chunks in red are chunks with no sources on current session found.
Blue: Chunks in blue are chunks with at least one available source. The more solid blue it is, the more sources available have been found.
Yellow: Chunks in yellow are chunks which are being downloaded at this very moment.
Black: Chunks in black are chunks which have been already downloaded and verified.
Green: When a file is in green it means that it's been completely downloaded and successfully verified (so, it'll be in the Incoming folder).
On the expanded transfers list (can be viewed by double-clicking a transfer):
Black: Chunks which that client has and you don't have.
White: Chunks which that client doesn't have.
Green: Chunks which that client has and you have, too.
Yellow:Chunks which that client is currently uploading to you.
On the uploading transfers list:
Black: That client has completed and verified that chunk.
Grey: That client doesn't have that chunk.
Have in mind that not all clients support telling other clients which parts they have already completed when uploading, so some clients might have no bar at all.
On the shared files window:
Red: When there's no source found to have that same chunk (apart from you, of course).
Blue: The more solid the blue is, the more spread that chunk is.
On the search windows:
Black: Files in black are those which only a client has been found to have.
Blue: Files in blue are those which two or more clients have been found to have. The more solid the blue is, the more clients have been found to have it.
Red: Files in red are those which are already in the downloading queue.
Green: Files in green are those which you are already sharing (you completely downloaded it).

Wat betekenen alle pictogrammen?

Zie het deel "Pictogrammen en Hun Betekenis" in de Beginnen met aMule handleiding.

Wat betekenen deze getallen tussen haakjes in de bronnen kolom van de het zoekvenster?

Dit zijn de clients die het complete bestand hebben. Zelfs als het getal tussen haakjes 0 is, wil dat niet zeggen dat niemand het complete bestand heeft, het betekent alleen dat geen enkele client het gedeelde bestand heeft gemarkeerd als "compleet" (veel clients doen dat niet). Het is dus een manier om een idee te krijgen hoeveel mensen het complete bestand hebben, maar het is niet waterdicht.

Wat betekenen al die getallen in de bronnen kolom in het overdrachten venster?

Het bronnen formaat is XX/YY + XX (WW) waar
XX staat voor het aantal beschikbare bronnen (het aantal gevonden bronnen waar u van kunt downloaden).
YY staat voor het aantl gevonden bronnen (het totale aantal gevonden bronnen)
ZZ staat voor het aantal "Al om een ander bestand gevraagd" bronnen
WW staat voor het aantal bronnen van wie u nu een blok aan het downloaden bent.

Wat betekenen al die getallen in de prioriteit kolom in het uitgebreide overdrachten venster?

Dat is de plaats die u in de wachtrij van die client voor dat bestand hebt. Niet alle clients bieden die informatie, dus soms, wordt niks getoond.
Het getal tussen haakjes is het aantal plaatsen die u door die de upload wachtrij van die client bent "verplaatst". Negatieve' getallen staan voor plaatsen die u gewonnen heeft in de wachtrij sinds u werd toegevoegd terwijl positieve getallen de plaatsen zijn die u verloren hebt sinds u werd toegevoegd. Let op dat als het getal negatief is, het blauw wordt getoond, terwijl het als het positief is, rood wordt getoond.

Waarom staan er twee overdracht snelheden in de upload lijst?

Als u bestanden naar een client aan het uploaden bent, toont de upload lijst de overdracht snelheid (in kBps) waarmee u aan het uploaden bent naar die client. Als die client, tegelijkertijd, een bestand (of meerdere) naar u aan het uploaden is, dan zal het formaat van de overdracht snelheid veranderen in XX/YY waarbij XX staat voor de snelheid waarmee u aan het uploaden bent naar die client en YY staat voor de snelheid waarmee die client naar u aan het uploaden is. Als u in de download lijst zoekt zult u die client daar vinden.
Dit is zinvol als u probeert een zeldzaam bestand te downloaden, omdat u kunt zien welk bestand die client naar u upload en, als het het zeldzame bestand is, kunt u hem in een vrienden slot zetten zodat het uploaden naar die client sneller gaat en u meer credits verdient bij die client (en als gevolg daarvan, sneller kunt downloaden van die client).

What is A4AF?

A4AF stands for Ask For Another File. It is a way to optimize the resources on a specific download.
When you try to download a file, aMule gets a list of clients who are sharing that file. Some of these clients might also share some other file which you are also trying to download and, so, you might have that client in two separate download queues.
A4AF tries to avoid this situations. Why? Because you can't download two chunks at the same time from the same client. So, by setting A4AF in a specific download, you are telling aMule to search for any client in that file's download queue who is also in some other file's download queue and remove it from that other download queue. This way, you'll get more sources on that file.
You can also set a specific download to apply A4AF in the opposite way, that is, to give sources to the other downloads. This should be done on downloads which are not to be downloaded with too much hurry or which should be downloaded after some other similar file has been downloaded (in a series of files, for example).
This also can be seen as a way of establishing preferences in downloads.

When the request swapping is done, the Queue Rank will be maintained.

NOTE: A source with a QR lower than 50 in the download with the higher priority will never be swapped. This is done this way to ensure it starts downloading from it.

Wat is het verschil tussen Overgebracht en Compleet in het Overdrachten tabblad?

Overgebracht toont de hoeveelheid gegevens die u heeft ontvangen met betrekking tot dat bestand. Deze gegevens worden gedownload in een gecomprimeerd formaat. Als de gegevens bij u komen, wordt het gedecomprimeerd door aMule. De totale hoeveelheid zinvolle gegevens in de ontvangen gegevens (dat wil zeggen, de delen van de gegevens die echte delen van het bestand wat u probeert te downloaden zijn en niet headers of iets dergelijks) is de hoeveelheid die te vinden is in de kolom Compleet.

Wat is het verschil tussen het pauzeren en het stoppen van een overdracht?

Als een overdracht gepauzeerd wordt, worden alle verbindingen gerelateerd aan de gepauzeerde overdracht met de andere clients verbroken zodat er geen data wordt overgedragen, maar de bronnen laat aMule niet vallen, zodat als de overdracht wordt verder gegaan, aMule zal proberen om te verbinden met de bronnen waarvan het aan het overdragen was. Als een overdracht wordt gestopt daarentegen, laat aMule ook alle bronnen vallen zodat, als het verder gegaan wordt, aMule zal beginnen met het zoeken naar clients die dat bestand delen.

Wat is het doel van al die bestanden die aMule maakt de eerste keer dat het gedraaid wordt?

De meeste daarvan zijn dezelfde als die van eMule.

Gedetailleerde informatie over elk en een lijst van alle bestanden van aMule kan hier gevonden worden.

Can I use eMule's files and settings and vice-versa?

Most of them yes. The only ones you can't share between aMule and eMule are the program configuration (that is, preferences.ini in eMule and ~/.eMule in aMule). All the ED2K network related files can be successfully shared between the two applications with no more effort than copying the files in ~/.aMule to the eMule's directory and vice-versa. But have in mind that some files in ~/.aMule are aMule specific, such as amulesig.dat or aMule.tmpl, so it's better to only move those files that are in both the aMule and the eMule directory.

Moving half downloaded files is easy: just move them from your eMule temp directory (by default C:\Program files\eMule\Temp) into ~/.aMule/Temp or whatever your temp directory is in your aMule configuration.

What is all that stuff in amulesig.dat and onlinesig.dat?

I guess you already read what amulesig.dat and onlinesig.dat are for above.

So, this files contain the current signature (the current aMule status, if enabled, of course).

Detailed information about each of thee files can be found in the amulesig.dat article and the onlinesig.dat article.

I just installed aMule for the first time. How do I set it up?

Setting up aMule properly is just a matter of tastes and depends on many factors. If you just wish a quick startup configuration, then continue reading.
Open aMule and click on the Preferences button. Set a nickname and the language in which you wish to have aMule. Then switch to the Connection tab and input your Line Capacities. Then input the Bandwidth Limits according to the maximum amount of bandwidth you want aMule to use. Then switch to the Directories tab and set a directory for both the temporary files (where files will be stored until they are completely downloaded) and the completed files. Finally, select the directories which you want to share. It is not recommended to share too much files. Read below "What are the best settings I can set to have a nice download rate". To select recursively all directories inside a certain directory read Is there any way to recursively select a whole directory and its contents?.

Will aMule handle my xMule and lMule files? What should I do?

aMule automatically handles both lMule and xMule's configuration files, but in different ways:
lMule has been discontinued for several years now, so aMule understands that you are replacing lMule with aMule, so it renames ~/.lMule folder to ~/.aMule. If you used ~/.lMule/Temp and ~/.lMule/Incoming as your temporary and downloading directories respectively, you should change the paths in Preferences to ~/.aMule/Temp and ~/.aMule/Incoming respectively.

If a ~/.xMule directory is found, it will be kept unchanged and aMule will just copy the configuration files found in it. That means that the files you were downloading will remain in the ~/.xMule directory if they were downloading there, but since aMule has handled xMule's configuration files, it will use still use it. You can either live with that, or move directories ~/.xMule/Temp and ~/.xMule/Incoming into ~/.aMule and change directories in Preferences.

How do I start my aMule experience?

Just click on the Connect button. You should have some servers listed on the Servers window, though. If you have no servers listed, then click on the little button below the Connect button in the Servers window before clicking the Connect button. After some time, aMule will be connected to some server (you'll know because in the lower right corner the "Not connected" message will disappear). When connected, switch to the Search window and search for the file you want and once you find the file you want, double-click on it.
For general aMule usage, join aMule #amule in irc.freenode.net or ask in forums at http://www.amule.org/amule

What are the best settings I can set to have a nice download rate?

If you understood "Is there any limit on the ED2K network?" then you might have seen that, if your provider allows you, the best is to have the upload limit set to a minimum of 10 KBps. Also, if you understood "What is all that credits, rate and score stuff about?", you might also understand that the more you upload, the more you download, so take the upload limit up as much as you can, share well known and popular files (don't share too much (not more than approximately 200 files) or you'll get banned from some servers for giving too much traffic) and try to share small-sized popular files since some ED2K clients give extra credits for providing them a whole small-sized files. A good tip (thanks to kaouete) when you are trying to download some rare or "never completing" file, is, whenever you see someone uploading to you some chunk of that file, give that client a friend slot so that, if it tries to download something from you, it gets preference and you gain credits on that client.

Is er een manier om een tekst bestand te openen en de ed2k links te laden vanuit dat bestand?

Ja, die manier is er. Plaats simpelweg alle ed2k links die u wilt downloaden in een tekst bestand, elke ed2k link op een aparte regel. Sla dat bestand op met de naam ED2KLinks en plaats het in ~/.aMule. aMule zal het bestand automatisch ontdekken, alle ed2k links toevoegen aan de download lijst en het bestand verwijderen.
U wilt misschien dit lezen om meer te weten te komen over dit bestand.

Can I manage aMule remotely through telnet in the same way I do with eDonkey?

Yes you can, but not exactly in the same way as you do with eDonkey. Just start a normal telnet (or ssh) session with the host computer (the one running aMule) and, once in, use amulecmd to take control over aMule. To start new downloads just use the ed2k command. Remember aMuleCMD must be configured.
Another aMule utility that might be of your interest is CAS (which's command is cas) which will show basic aMule statistics.
Also, aMule WebServer might be what you are looking for if you can and don't mind using a web browser on the client computer. Have in mind that aMule WebBrowser must also be configured.

Is there any way to start aMule with no graphical interface?

Yes. Since aMule 2.0.0-rc6, you can use aMule Daemon, which can be executed on the command line by typing amuled. To control it, use either aMuleWeb, aMuleCMD or any other such application for remotely controlling aMule.

Anyway, up to aMule 2.0.0-rc6, aMule was a monolithic application. This means that core and GUI were whole inseparable block.

So, for those using an old aMule version or who refuse to use aMuled (aMule Daemon), there are still two walkarounds to run aMule on command line but they're not direct ways:

Through Xvfb:
You should run Xvfb and then run aMule in it. Afterwards you can take control over aMule using aMuleCMD and ed2k in the same way as you would if you were accessing aMule remotely over telnet (see above).

Short example:
Run Xvfb:
Xvfb :1 -screen 0 640x480x16 &
Set display to use for amule:
export DISPLAY=:1
Then run aMule:
amule &
Note: After running export DISPLAY=:1, all graphical applications launched from that shell will be opened in Xvfb's display. To avoid this, you can run aMule with the following command, so that only aMule runs there:
DISPLAY=:1 amule &
INFO: See the Screen page to know more about the Screen command

Through VNC:
It's also possible to use vncserver instead of Xvfb to achieve something similar. Just install vncserver and execute vncserver :0 -geometry 1024x768 followed by export DISPLAY=:0. This will create a hidden X server, accessible only remotely using a VNC client. Once the X server is running, you will need a window manager to manage aMule window (well, it's not really needed, but it's useful if you want to be able to close aMule without simply killing it), I recommend FluxBox due to its low CPU and memory requirements. Just start it with fluxbox & and then run aMule with amule &. Now you can connect to the VNC server and see the aMule window.

Keep in mind that if aMule shows any dialog that requires user input (like the one showed the first time aMule is executed), it will get stuck there until someone connects to the VNC server and clicks ok in the dialog. Usually, this should only need to be done once (and this connection may be used to update the serverlist and set the preferences), from then on aMule will start without user interaction, showing only some informational messages at startup.

If you need help on this issue, search aMule's forums or join #amule IRC channel at irc.freenode.net and ask.

Can I run two aMule instances at the same time?

Yes you can, although it is not recommended. aMule will only check if the concurrent user is running some aMule instance, so you can run as many aMule instances as user accounts you have access to. To do this, just run xhost + and then su as another user and run aMule from that shell.
Be aware, since aMule can't check if a user is running aMule on another X display. So, if your account is already running some aMule instance in some other X display, do not run another aMule instance on another X display or you might end up with lost configuration settings and corrupt chunks.

Hoe kan ik die leuke aMule statistieken krijgen die sommige mensen posten in de IRC kanalen?

U kunt of de uitvoer van CAS (C aMule Statistieken) kopiëren en plakken (draai cas om CAS te starten) of, als u xChat gebruikt als IRC client en de Perl module geïnstalleerd hebt, kunt u XAS (xChat aMule Statistieken) gebruiken.

What is slot allocation?

Each upload is a slot, so, if you are uploading to five clients at the same time, you have five upload slots established. So, the amount of slot allocation is the bandwidth which each slot will be given.
As an example, if your upload limit is 20KBps, you can set slot allocation to 2KBps which means 10 clients will be able to download from you at the same time, each of them at a maximum transfer rate of 2KBps.
See section "Why is aMule ignoring the bandwidth I set per slot?" in aMule common problem's FAQ.

What is a friend slot?

A friend slot is just a slot which is assigned to a client in the friends list. Only one friend can have a slot at the same time. Whenever that friend (who has the friend slot enabled) tries to download a file from you, it will be given highest priority in the uploads queue, since it has that slot always assigned. While that friend isn't downloading, that assigned slot will be given to the client with the highest priority in the upload queue, as expected.

What is the real point on setting up Line Capacities in Preferences? Shouldn't aMule only care for the Bandwidth Limits?

aMule really only cares for the Bandwidth Limits. Line Capacities are only set for the Statics display. Let's see: Imagine you have a 100KBps connection, imagine you want to set the Limit at 40KBps because you have a web server which needs a minimum of 60KBps to serve all the petitions. Now imagine you download rare indonesian free songs. You most surely never download at more than 3KBps ever. So, you could set Line Capacities at 5KBps so that the graph at Statics has some meaning, since if you set it up as a 100KBps connection, the graph will show an horizontal line with no meaning at all.

aMule is crashing quite often here. Can I set it to restart every time it crashes?

No, you can't. But you can have scripts to do so. Some of these scripts even work if aMule hangs but doesn't crash.
The following scripts might suit your needs:

Can I have aMule get data from the standard input to pass it to GDB or Valgrind?

Yes, you can. Up to aMule 2.0.0-rc3 this wasn't allowed, but as of version 2.0.0-rc4 you can with the parameter -i or --enable-stdin.
Anyway, people with aMule versions previous to 2.0.0-rc4 can use phoenix's aMule stdin patch.

How can I switch to aMule from eMule without losing my credits?

If you already read about the meaning of aMule's files, you might already know what you have to do:
Get cryptkey.dat, clients.met and preferences.dat files from eMule's config directory (usually, under Windows, something like C:\Program files\eMule\config) and copy them into ~/.aMule. Now start aMule so it reads those files. You're done!

Waar gaat dat konijn verhaal over?

Oh, ja, het begon allemaal... ehm... nou... ik bedoel... volg het witte konijn ;-)