AMule files-de
From AMule Project FAQ
Die meisten Konfigurations-Dateien und -Daten von aMule sind die gleichen oder sind kompatibel mit denen von eMule.
Bedenke, das nicht alle diese Dateien auf deiner Festplatte sein müssen, da sie erzeugt werden wenn sie gebraucht werden.
Hier ist eine Liste von ihnen und was sie machen:
- ~/.eMule: Alte Konfigurationsdatei von aMule (bei version vor aMule 2.0.0).
- ~/.aMule/addresses.dat: Enthält eine Liste von URLs die, beim Start, auf neue Server überprüft werden (sofern in den Einstellungen aktiviert).
- ~/.aMule/amule.conf: Konfigurationsdatei von aMule (wo die meisten Einstellungen gespeichert werden).
- ~/.aMule/amulesig.dat: This is aMule's OnLineSignature file, which is the same as eMule's signature (see onlinesig.dat below) but with extended information.
- ~/.aMule/aMule.tmpl: This was the template file which aMule WebServer used in version prior to aMule 2.0.0.
- ~/.aMule/aMule-online-sign.png: This file will only exist if CAS has been run sometime with the -o switch and ~/.aMule/casrc was successfully configured. It is an image containing details on aMule's status.
- ~/.aMule/casrc: This file will only exist if CAS has been run sometime with the -o switch. It contains the settings for the CAS image creation.
- ~/.aMule/clients.met: Contains the public hashes of other known clients along with the credits it owes each of them.
- ~/.aMule/clients.met.BAK: Backup of clients.met file.
- ~/.aMule/cryptkey.dat: It contains the unique 384 bit private RSA key of your client.
- ~/.aMule/emfriends.met: Contains your friends list configuration.
- ~/.aMule/ED2KLinks: This file acts as an external interface to add downloads to aMule.
- ~/.aMule/ipfilter.dat: This file contains the IP ranges and access levels restrictions which will be passed to IPFilter.
- ~/.aMule/known.met: This file stores the hashes and some details of your shared files like size, path, statics, etc.
- ~/.aMule/known2.met: This file stores the verified AICH hashes of your shared files.
- ~/.aMule/last_version_check: Temporary file containing the version of the latest official aMule release available.
- ~/.aMule/lastversion: This is only for aMule to know if you changed your version or if it's the first time you run it.
- ~/.aMule/logfile: This file contains the log of the last aMule execution.
- ~/.aMule/muleconn: This file is a socket for aMule communications.
- ~/.aMule/onlinesig.dat: This is an eMule compatible OnLineSignature file. It's used by other applications to know basic information on aMule's stat. See also amulesig.dat above.
- ~/.aMule/preferences.dat: Contains the public key of your client, also known as user hash.
- ~/.aMule/remote.conf: Configuration file for External Connections.
- ~/.aMule/server.met: This is a list of all known servers and your preferences about them (priority, name, IP, port and such).
- ~/.aMule/server_auto.met: Here is where server.met files are downloaded before merging them with aMule's server.met file.
- ~/.aMule/server_met.old: Backup of server.met file.
- ~/.aMule/ Temporal file while it is being written into disk. As soon as aMule is finished writting it, it is renamed to server.met.
- ~/.aMule/shareddir.dat: Speichert die Pfade zu allen freigegebenen Verzeichnissen.
- ~/.aMule/staticservers.dat: Speichert eine Liste statischer Server.
Andere Dateien im Verzeichnis ~/.aMule/ sind höchst wahrscheinlich Sicherungsdateien von obengenannten Dateien. Ausserdem werden, im Temp-Verzeichnis (normalerweise ~/.aMule/Temp, kann aber auch in den Einstellungen geändert werden) von aMule für jeden Download in der Warteschlange, folgende Dateien erzeugt:
- *.part: This file contains the downloaded parts (not chunks, since not completed chunks are also stored here) of the download. As aMule is able to download from more than one user at the same time, this file has the size of the complete file. The missing parts are filled with zeros.
- *.part.met: This file contains information on the downloaded parts of the download, the verified chunks, the hash values of the remaining chunks, etc.
- *.part.met.bak: This are backups of the *.part.met files. Every now and then aMule creates this backups since without the *.part.met file, a download has no meaning for aMule. If any *.part.met file "disappeared, you should rename the *.part.met.bak to *.part.met.
- *.part.met.backup: This are temporal *.part.met while the data is being stored. As soon as aMule finishes writting the file, it is renamed to *.part.met.
- *.part.met.seeds: Diese Datei existiert nur wenn du das Speichern von IPs seltener Dateien in den Einstellungen aktiviert hast, damit aMule bei einem Neustart sich wieder zu diesen zu verbinden versucht.
Die Verzeichnisse in ~/.aMule/ haben folgenden Sinn:
- ~/.aMule/Incoming/: Standardmässig das Verzeichnis in dem aMule die fertigen Downloads speichert (ausgenommen auf MacOS X).
- ~/.aMule/Temp/: Standardmässig das Verzeichnis in dem aMule die unfertigen Downloads speichert (temporäre Dateien/temp files).
- ~/.aMule/webserver/: Dieses Verzeichnis enthält die Skins für aMuleWeb.
- ~/Documents/aMule Downloads: Standardmässig das Verzeichnis in dem aMule die fertigen Downloads speichert auf MacOS X (seit aMule 2.0.0).