Talk:HowTo Compile In Gentoo
PORTAGE_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage" can't be use anymore must use :
You forgot to mention that the (allegedly stable) build usually fails. For a while it worked only with the crypto++ library installed; now it doesn't compile at all. Perhaps this is because of the recent gcc 3.4 update, but I don't know for sure.
Also, you should add the fact that, you *must not* have "-gtk" in your USE flags... It was a real pain in the ... grass to find out, because the error message displayed gets you to search around problems with wxGTK and such...
Résumé: -gtk must not be in the USE flags, else, it won't compile, even though other dependencies will
# emerge -vp amule These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ] net-p2p/amule-9900 USE="daemon debug geoip gtk nls remote stats unicode upnp -xchat" 0 kB [1]
Compile and work fine here on ~amd64 with gcc-4.4.2, gtk+-2.18.3 and wxGTK- --Libre 16:45, 14 December 2009 (UTC)