Usage Searches

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From this window you can search for files on the eD2k and Kademlia netowrk and add them to your download queue.



This is how a bare search window looks:


The part surrounded by a red square is what's actually used for searching.

The above part of the search box is where you will input your search queries:


The lower part in the serach box is where search results are displayed:


Basic searching

To begin a search, type on the Name box the text you want to find and then click on the Start button:


For example, if you wanted to search for files which's filename contained the work amule, you would search for amule (see image above). If you would want to search for Debian ISO CDs, you would type something like debian iso.

The logic of search queries is described in this article.

Once a search has began, a results tab will appear:


On the results tab you will see a list of available files. You can see the filename, size, amount of sources, type of file and fileID:


When no results are found for the search query, the results tab appears empty.

To stop an active search just clikc on the Stop button (or close the active tab as explained later in this article):



There are three ways to begin a download:

  • Through the download button
  • Double clicking
  • From the extended options menu

Each of them have advantages and disadvantages. They are now described.

Download button

When a search has been performed and results have appeared, you can now start downloading the files listed. To do so, just select the file (or files, see the multiple selection article) you wish to download and click the Download button.


This method is available for all users and allows multiple files downloading in a single click.

Double clicking

To begin a download, instead of clicking the download button, you can just double click the file you wish to download.


This method is very comfortable, however, it will only download a signle selected file. That is, if you have more then one file selected, it will only download the file you double click on, not all those you have selected. Of course, you will also loose the selection.

Extended options

Once you have selected the file(s) you want to download, right-click over it (just right-click over any of the selected files if you selected more than one) and select Download.

NOTE: I was unable to grab an image of the extended options (right-click) menu with the Download option selected, since ImageMagick is working badly for me. If someone could please provide one...

A great advantage of this method is that you can directly define he category you want the file(s) to be added to if instead of selecting Download you select Download in category and the category you want it to be enqueued into.

NOTE: I was unable to grab an image of the extended options (right-click) menu with thte Download in category option extended, since ImageMagick is working badly for me. If someone could please provide one...

This method allows multiple files downloading with a single click, but is not available for those Mac users using a single buttoned mouse.


Whenever you perform a serach a tab is displayed:


If you now start another search, a new tab will appear and the old results tab(s) will go to background leaving the new tab in forground:


Each tab shows a text which corresponds to the search you performed for the results shown in that tab.


If you click on any of the tabs, the results obtained for that search request are shown. This allows you to have multple search results simultaneously (so you can compare them, for example).


Appart from the search text, the tab displays also a number in brackets. This number corresponds to the amount of results found:


The X button displayed on each tab to the left of the search text can be clicked to close the tab. Closing a tab will also stop the search it is performing if the search is still active.


Advanced searching

Several aspects of a search can be tweaked. This are:

  • The search type. In other words, the method aMule will use to perform the search.
  • Extended search parameters to adjust better the results and how to operate with them.
  • Filename filtering to remove non-wanted results.

Search type

Extended parameters


Clearing searches

There are several things you can clear in the search window when the seraches have been performed and you don't need the results any more.

Clear search text

The search text can be removed by selecting the text and deleting it or by simply clicking the Reset button:


Clear a tab

We've already seen that to clear a tab you must click on the X button by the search text in the tab:


Clear all

If you just want to remove all tabs and clear the search text, simply click the Clear button:



Quick Reference