FAQ aMule-pt BR

From AMule Project FAQ
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1 O que é aMule? 2 Como eu vejo o crédito dos clientes? 3 O que significa as cores da barra de progresso? 4 O que são todos estes ícones? 5

--[em progresso, apenas fui tomar água, obrigado pela atenção]---

5 What do all those numbers in the sources column in the transfers window mean? 6 What do all those numbers in the priority column in the extended transfers window mean? 7 Why are there two transfer rates in the uploading transfer list? 8 What is A4AF? 9 What is the difference between Transfered and Completed in the Tranfers window? 10 What is the difference between pausing and stopping a transfer? 11 What are all those files aMule creates the first time it is run? 12 Can I use eMule's files and settings and viceversa? 13 What is all that stuff in amulesig.dat and onlinesig.dat? 14 I just installed aMule for the first time. How do I set it up? 15 Will aMule handle my xMule and lMule files? What should I do? 16 How do I start my aMule experience? 17 What are the best settings I can set to have a nice download rate? 18 Can I manage aMule remotely through telnet in the same way I do with eDonkey? 19 Is there any way to start aMule with no graphical interface? 20 Can I run two aMule instances at the same time? 21 How can I get those nice aMule statics some people post on the IRC channels? 22 What is a friend slot? 23 What is the real point on setting up Line Capacities in Preferences? Shouldn't aMule only care for the Bandwidth Limits? 24 aMule is crashing quite often here. Can I set it to restart everytime it crashes? 25 Can I have aMule get data from the standard input to pass it to GDB or Valigrind? 26 What is all this rabbit story about?