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aMuleWeb is a utility that allows you to control aMule by means of a web browser from any location. The web interface offers a subset of aMule functionality, including searching for files, initializing downloads, and viewing your download queue. It also displays status information and allows you to change certain options.

aMule itself doesn't support HTTP connections; aMuleWeb, which does, therefore serves as an intermediary between aMule and a web browser. Once the link between aMuleWeb and a remote user is established, it connects to aMule via the External Connections interface.

By default, aMuleWeb listens for HTTP connections at port 4711, but this can be changed in Preferences'.

Set a password

To connect to the web server a password must be set, otherwise connection is refused. To set a password run aMuleWeb with --admin-pass=your_password.

Standard ports

The ports can be set to anything, but by default aMule uses:

  • External Connections: 4712
  • amuleweb: 4711

Make sure you do not confuse the two; in the default configuration, it looks like this:

aMule --> [4712] --> aMuleWeb --> [4711] --> web browser

Template (skin) location

aMuleWeb looks for its files in a number of places:

  • In your home directory: $HOME/.aMule/webserver/[skin name]/
  • And at its install location, in this order (by default, /usr/local/share/amule/webserver if you compiled aMule, or /usr/share/amule/webserver if you installed it from a package).

Default template name is 'default'.

If, after installing aMule, aMuleWeb refuses to run because of not being able to load template:

  • Please report this situation to us, and then
  • Create the directories webserver/default in the .aMule subdirectory of your home directory, and copy the contents of the src/webserver directory there from the aMule tarball (ie, $HOME/.aMule/webserver/default).

aMuled and aMuleWeb as services

Although starting aMuleWeb by enabling it in aMule's preferences is the preferred method, you can also run aMuleWeb together with aMuled as as services by means of an init.d script. Here is an example:



test -x $DAEMON || exit 0

# Include amule defaults if available
if [ -f /etc/default/amule ] ; then
    . /etc/default/amule

if [ "$RUNAMULE" != "yes" ] ; then
    echo "Amule not to be started. Edit /etc/default/amule first."
    exit 1

set -e

case "$1" in
    echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
       su $USER -c "$DAEMON -f"
       while ! netstat -l -n -p -t | grep -q amuled ; do sleep 1 ; done
       su $USER -c "$WEB --quiet &"
    echo "$NAME."
    echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
       killall --quiet --ignore-case $WEB
       killall --quiet --ignore-case $DAEMON
    echo "$NAME."
    echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
       killall --quiet --ignore-case $WEB
       killall --quiet --ignore-case $DAEMON
    sleep 1
       su $USER -c "$DAEMON -f"
       while ! netstat -l -n -p -t | grep -q amuled ; do sleep 1 ; done
       su $USER -c "$WEB --quiet &"
    echo "$NAME."
    echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
    exit 1

exit 0

Then just set that script to be run at start up. On Debian this would be done with the following command:

update-rc.d amule defaults

Then, for the daemons to start you just have to create a file /etc/default/amule which contains a single line:



Ubuntu has a script in /etc/init.d already called amule-daemon

You need to set the user by editing /etc/default/amule-daemon, and amuled will be started as that user.

Where to report problems and questions?

For Problems or Questions just report on forum or join IRC channel #amule at

Other sources of information

Read the aMuleWeb man page, which is available in English, French, German, Hungarian and Spanish.

For further information read the aMuleWeb FAQ.