Screen is a program that lets you have many virtual console sessions in a machine. You may leave jobs running and then logout completely. Each jobs console output will be recovered later when you are back.
Ex.: [guy@machine homedir]$ screen -S job1 (Nothing seems to happen, but in fact you are now in a virtual session Do something that will take a long time and will produce console output.) [guy@machine homedir]$ ls caminhadas_bivaques.tex.backup fratura1.eps oito2.eps capacete.eps fratura2.eps oito3.eps capaealma.eps fratura3.eps oitoduplo.eps capa.eps fratura4.eps oito.eps [guy@machine homedir]$ (Now type <CTRL-A><CTRL-D>. The screen clears and...) [guy@machine homedir]$ screen -S job1 [detached] [guy@machine homedir]$
Now, whenever you want to recover that jobs output, you do [guy@machine homedir]$ screen -R -S job1
[guy@machine homedir]$ ls caminhadas_bivaques.tex.backup fratura1.eps oito2.eps capacete.eps fratura2.eps oito3.eps capaealma.eps fratura3.eps oitoduplo.eps capa.eps fratura4.eps oito.eps [guy@machine homedir]$
Here we are again. man screen is your friend. Enjoy!