HowTo Compile In Slackware
Installing aMule 2.2.1 on Slackware 12.0/12.1
NOTE: you will need super-user (usually root) access to complete aMule install/uninstallation/update, also consider using checkinstall installed to manage packages.
Installation requirements
In order to compile aMule 2.2.1 on Slackware 12.0/12.1 you need the following packages:
- geoip 1.4.4 (from
- libupnp 1.6.6 (if you want to use the UPnP feature, get the tarball from
- cryptopp 5.5.2 (from
- wxGTK 2.8.7 ( or a precompiled package from
- If using Slackware 12.0 upgrade package gcc with >= 4.2.3-i486-1 (
- If using Slackware 12.0 upgrade package gcc-g++ with >= 4.2.3-i486-1 (
- (optional) ccache-2.4-i486-1 package if you want to speedup compiling
The minimum GCC version declared into the file docs/INSTALL appears to be obsolete as I encountered
the following error:
amule: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by amule)
Other packages - system libs rather strictly aMule related - that are needed: these are mentioned
at the end of the configure summary of aMule.
- regex system
- libintl system
- libpng 1.2.18
- libgd 2.0.35
- zlib 1.2.3
aMule prepackaged binaries
Provided your system satisfies the above mentioned requirements, grab pre-built Slackware package from and install it (as root) with:
- # installpkg aMule-x.y.z.tgz
or if you simply need to upgrade the package:
- # upgradepkg aMule-x.y.z.tgz
Type amule in a shell to lauch or in KDE (similar in GNOME) go to Kstart->Internet->aMule
If you want to remove aMule simply run:
- # removepkg aMule-x.y.z.tgz
Compiling aMule
- First install/upgrade the above mentioned packages. Then compile cryptopp (no special flags required) and wxGTK (if not already present) with the following flags:
- $ ./configure --with-gtk --enable-unicode --enable-optimise
- $ make
- $ su <insert password when requested>
- # make install
Even better, you can use checkinstall or read up on how to properly make Slackware packages on Checkinstall and selfmade packages can be handled by Slackware's package tools, which make upgrading and removing old cruft from previous installs a breeze. If the Slackwiki howto is a little too much for, stick to checkinstall for the moment:
- become root
- $ su -
- then just call
- # checkinstall
- Just answer the questions and you're done.
Installing wxBase (Optional)
If you downloaded wxGTK earlier than version 2.5 and you are planning to use aMule with command line interface (such as aMuleCMD, aMuleWeb, aMuled, etc), then you you should install wxBase. In any other case, there's no need at all.
Download wxBase sources (.tar.gz packages) from or and do the following:
- $ tar -xzvf wxBase*
- $ cd wxBase*
- $ ./configure
- $ make
- $ su <insert password>
- # make install
- Then compile aMule. Run the "configure" with the following parameters for a complete install:
- $ ./configure --with-denoise-level=3
- --enable-optimize
- --enable-verbose
- --enable-geoip
- --enable-wxcas
- --enable-amule-gui
- --enable-amulecmd
- --enable-amule-daemon
- --enable-alc
- --enable-alcc
- --enable-cas
- --disable-debug
- --enable-webserver
- --enable-ccache (optional, compiling speedup)
- --prefix=/your/install/path (optional, if different than /usr/local)
- If you are satisfied of the summary that is shown, run:
- $ make
- If you have a multi-core CPU you can speedup the compilation adding the parameter "-j" according to the number of logical/phisical CPUs detected on your system, example for a dual-core CPU:
- $ make -j 2
- If no error arise, you can run (as root):
# make install
- Finally run the "amule" executable:
- $ amule &
Building a Slackware package
The steps I followed to build a package change just a little.
- First I have installed amule in a different, dedicated path in order to check exactly the results, e.g. adding the following parameter to the configure script:
- --prefix=/home/$(whoami)/tmp/amule/usr
- Remember to append "/usr" at the end of the path.
- After installing ("make && make install"), strip down all the binaries with the following command in order to squeeze package size (a lot!):
- $ cd /home/$(whoami)/tmp/amule/usr/bin
- $ for i in alc alcc amule amulecmd amuled amulegui amuleweb cas ed2k wxcas; do strip $i; done
- $ cd ../..
- $ md install
- $ cd install
- Here edit "slack-required" and "slack-desc" files according to SlackBuild guidelines. I was lazy and just copied them from another recent Slackware aMule package (changing the relevant requirements).
- Then create the package:
$ cd ..
$ ls
install usr
$ makepkg aMule-x.y.z.tgz
- Test your build and then notify the forum posting the ed2k link (set to release priority the file) ;-)
Final note
Enjoy the hard work aMule developers have done and continue to do!
Catch me on IRC at channel #amule nick servnov.
Or post your questions on the forum.