Thanks for your interest in translating aMule. Becoming a translator isn't hard, you just need to understand common English and of course your native tongue.
The status of all translations are updated hourly at the Translation statistics page, that's an easy way to see if your work is needed. But you're always welcome to check an existing translation for errors or improve unfavourable expressions.
Before you start any work, please check the translations list for an entry for your language. If there's already someone working on the translation for your language, please reply to the forum topic for your language before you start working. It would be a shame to have two translators doing the same work, wouldn't it?
Get Translation file
You can get current Portable Object (po) files for all supported languages at the Translation statistics page. Just click on the name of your language and download the po-file.
Start a new translation
Your language isn't yet supported by aMule and you can't find a po-file at the statistics page? No problem, let's start a new translation! Either open a new topic in the translations forum to receive help with the translation process or create the po-file yourself:
To do so, please download the amule.pot file, which is linked at the bottom of the Translation statistics page. Then you need gettext installed on your system (comes by default with most operating systems) and the language code of your language. If you don't know the language code of your language, you should be able to find the code in the list of language codes on Wikipedia. If you've done so, use the following command to create the po-file:
msginit --input=amule.pot --locale=language code
The translation process
Now that you've got the po-file, let's start with the actual translation process. There are several programs to help you with this task, like Poedit or KBabel, but you can use your favourite text editor, too.
When you open a po-file in Poedit, you are greeted by a screen similar to the following:
In the bottom, you'll find statistics. Not translated strings are marked in shades of turquoise in the string list in the upper part, fuzzy strings in brown-sand tones and translated strings in grey/white.
The actual translation takes part in the middle part of the window.
You'll see the English source string at the top and the field to enter the translations below. Here's even a special case with plural forms. When you're done entering the translated page for one string you can go on by clicking on the next string to translate.
When you're done translating, continue with testing your translation.